Some CAC results while I wait for my TPG orders...

Just a taste of my most recent CAC sub with some highlights.
"That's gold Jerry, gold!" Fatty and a rattler respectively.
My NGC no barcode fatty Franklin Set, all CAC, continues to march forward... I'm down to 3 dates left I think?
Went from having 0 SLQ's in Fatty holders to having 2 and both with CAC in a couple weeks... Gotta pick which to keep for the type set. Just kidding I'll probably keep both.
Gotta throw in a Morgan too... Toned here, tougher date with nice color.
Total results for me were kinda not great at 22/33. There's a couple other decent ones but I wanna share those as GTG's at some point so....
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Nice results, DD. I would take a 66% return rate any day, especially with a few golden ones in the mix. Waiting for my CAC results now on a ten coin submission.
Overall, nice results... Four gold CAC is great.... Plus, you may learn from those that did not sticker... Cheers, RickO
Absolutely agree with the learning from those that did not sticker.
Yeah, I definitely learn more from what doesn't sticker than from what does.
But what's funny is the stuff that doesn't sticker is usually stuff that I just graded.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."