Out of gaol but probably on probation.

Any suggestions on how to proceed to avoid a Life Sentence without the possibility of Parole??
Al H.
Any suggestions on how to proceed to avoid a Life Sentence without the possibility of Parole??
Al H.
Never utter the C word again, for starters. Also, don't start OT threads like this.
This might help.
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"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
What did the jail sentence actually mean? You were still posting, weren't you?
Never utter the C word again, for starters.
you're both sort of accusing me of doing something I didn't do, where'd that come from??
PM sent.
We're just having fun.
Did you get your hand slapped? What is gaol?
Jail in (old) British usage.
See also "Durance Vile"
OK, understood.
I always enjoy your posts with tales of the walk in customers to the coin store. No more bread and water for you! Welcome back.
Five Hail Marys, ten Our Father's and pinkie swear to never do it again. Whatever it is you did.
Free at last, free at last - the Honorable Keets has returned. (Good to have you back Al) Cheers, RickO
You forgot the "wash mouth with soap" part
For starters you can put a loin cloth on that medal.
Without knowing what you did to receive the timeout it is rather difficult to provide any advice on how to proceed. But the simple answer is to follow the rules. Thanks captain obvious.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.