Peace or Morgan’s - which is your favorite?

I really like the Art Deco design of the Peace dollars that so well represents the early 20th century design. I collect both but I’m biased on the peace dollars - what about you??
I really like the Art Deco design of the Peace dollars that so well represents the early 20th century design. I collect both but I’m biased on the peace dollars - what about you??
I see so many of both that I tend to disregard the merits of the designs. If Morgans weren't as common as dirt I would be a big fan of the design, I suspect. The Peace not so much.
I think I like the Peace design better, but the old Morgans are hard to beat.
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Morgan’s do tend to have more variety - for example it’s super hard to find a PL rated Peace dollar. But the proofs are amazing!!
Probably not relevant but just wanted to chime in that I really love the trade dollar the most even though having started the collecting with the peace before moving on to the Morgans.
Peace without a doubt. RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
2021 Peace. They’re the only silver dollars that I’m keeping.
I hope I don't offend anyone but Morgans are sooo boring, Peace Dollars are ok in my book.
If we are going to extend the OP's thread, I would have to vote for the Gobrecht no star variety, it's almost perfection.
Please dollar obverse, Morgan reverse
Absolutely. Why not?
After all most of us probably started small collecting the cents, nickels, dimes, quarters and so on before taking further steps into the hobby aiming for the "unobtainium" rarities hoping to land it some day.
I have both but I really love Dan @dcarr’s Broken Sword Peace Dollars. The reverse is stunning.
My favorite modern recreation is the Peace buck, the Mint nailed it imo.
I completely agree with this, however the obverse of the Peace is much better than the reverse of both. Peace wins.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I really want to like the peace dollars more than Morgans but I cannot. The morgans just tend to have a nicer look, more interesting luster, and the cool cameo dmpl options that just don’t exist in peacetime. As stoic as the Morgan design is, there’s something about it that is just so appropriate for the design space. The peace dollar obverse feels too heavy and the reverse feels like it’s missing something.
While I really like the peace dollar there is something unnerving about the lower lip of liberty with the slight gap of the mouth - sort of sending mixed signals...............
Peace dollars for me.
The execution of contemporary Morgans was superior, but the design of the Peace dollar is second to none. Does anyone realize this was the final depiction of allegorical Liberty on our circulating coinage? After it….. only politicians.
Unfortunately it took another 100 years for the mint to actually realize the beauty of the artist’s intent. Imagine if the coins a hundred years ago could have been made like the ones just released.
The Peace dollar, in my eyes is a much more beautifully designed coin, both the obverse and reverse. They're tougher to find with super eye appeal as far as satiny luster, minimum of marks, and strong strike (especially on the 1921); however, when they're nice, they're really beautiful!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Peace dollar is a much better design.
No comparison, really.
I like Peace dollars much better as the obverse design is more attractive. But what no one is saying is that the design of the peace dollar tends not to show the marks and abrasions as harsh as the Morgan. So a nice ms 64 Peace dollar always looks cleaner than a ms 64 Morgan. Even ms 65 Morgan’s in many instances are too baggy
Peace dollars in MS, Morgan dollar in VF-XF.
I have always preferred the Morgan to the Peace dollar.... That being said, the new Peace dollar is absolutely beautiful.... My preference is mainly due to my long time collecting interest in Morgans. They both have their place, and I do enjoy both coins. Cheers, RickO
I like the Morgan design much better. The Peace is mediocre at best in my opinion.
I’ve seen some spectacular color on Morgans, but I have never seen a Peace Dollar that had that “wow” factor in terms of toning. All that being said….a 1921 Peace Dollar should be a staple in every collection.
I like, collect and stack both. But I do prefer the Morgans because of their longer, older and more interesting history.
I have to say I like all the new dollars. The Peace Dollar is incredible. The Morgan's are as well.
However the Peace Dollar is by far my favorite of the 6 coins
Peace Brother,,,,,,,,,


THE REAL THING,,,,,,,,,,,
Another 1921 to add,,,,,,,,,,,,
I grew up chasing Morgan Dollars with little more than money I made mowing lawns... I guess it stuck...
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U.S. Type Set
As a design? 100% Peace all the way.
But as a collectible? Morgan dollar is king.
There are so many ways to collect morgan dollars and so much variety. They are reasonably cheap too. Monster toners are readily available with each toner different in it's own way. There are also plenty of PL and DMPL Morgans to go around, as well as Proof Morgan dollars which can be found for $1000 and up.
Meanwhile with peace dollars, most toners are ugly and unappealing. Nicely toned Peace dollars rarely come up and usually go for crazy money when they do. PL Peace dollars are almost impossible to find (Only a handful exist TMK) And they are almost always weakly/poorly struck. Not to mention they are usually loaded with bagmarks and are tough to find in MS67 and up.
The only truly appealing date for peace dollars is the 1921. And the market is extremely inflated as of now with Low MS examples going for $1000+
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