
So I have a 1959D penny that has LIBERVY instead of liberty. Is this common? Couldn’t find anything about it
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So I have a 1959D penny that has LIBERVY instead of liberty. Is this common? Couldn’t find anything about it
Pictures would help.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
If you can post a picture of the front and back of the coin it would be very helpful. In all probability it's damage after minting.
I can’t figure out how to post photo, I type in url but it won’t load
Drag and drop
Copy photo and paste.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Hey, it's Friday!
browse and select
Damage. But to be sure,need to post those pictures!
Need to see the crazy “Cent.” Yes please do show us.
Damage. Value is one cent.
Finally got the photos, sorry everyone and thanks for the help
Glad you could get the pics up! Yes, just damage. You're not going to find the mint doing a typo at that point so the only real explanation is damage. Something caused the metal to move and look like a different letter.
Looks like a damaged T to me
There’s really no damage to the coin to indicate that, there is couple small lines but nothing around any of those letters and there is part of t missing in trust, literally missing and it looks like a strike through on 9 in 1959, and blob under O in God, and one above the G and on the Top of D. Far as I can see it’s actually in remarkable shape and hardly worn
I have 30times magnification and also microscope
Like so many new posters you don't seem to want to be told that your great find isn't really great at all. The coin is a beat-up and damaged mess.
The T in LIBERTY has clearly been cut/gouged with metal movement. The other pics are not loading on my PC but I assume more of the same.
Even if it is a beat up mess I really don’t get why most of you are smug, condescending pricks. Not all but I’m sure that if you are then you know who I’m talking about. Kinda funny that people are still finding stuff they have never seen before daily. Have the day you deserve..
Just damage, as everyone else said.
The letters are NOT individually punched into working dies.
If the mint made a typo, then EVERY 1959 cent would say LIBERVY.
A key to identifying errors is understanding the minting and die making processes.
Hope this helps
It's time to ignore this poster.
Very clearly damage. You can also see damage on the B, the R and the Y.
It may not seem like gouges on those two letters but that’s what did it.
On the Liberty, metal is moved to one side and the other side of the T is vertical. That’s not a V, that’s a damaged T.
@Sin_d .... Welcome aboard. Your cent has PMD (Post Mint Damage)... Very common on circulating cents. Good luck in your searches. Cheers, RickO
Thank you to everyone that Loyola time to look.thank you old hoopster, I have read a lot about the minting process. How damage can happen by a cracked die and they can catch it and it never gets out.. seems like a year when a lot of different errors occurred. Small mostly so be it. I did like the one comment on a page I found about the elusive, supposedly real wheat cent. Writer commented that if it is real that maybe some guy at the mint had a sense of humor and did it as joke, or wanted to make somebody rich someday.. haha I’m pretty new at this but some of my coins I’ve had since 3rd grade.. also collect other things.. some of coins and original die cast D&D are my two favorites, original garbage pail kids..haha me and my brother did them together as kids. does anyone else collect other stuff?
I always thought it would be cool if someone showed a 1959 Lincoln cent with a possible obverse issue and then down in the thread show the reverse only to discover it is a Wheatback.