Do you think this CAC'd "MS66+" Peace Dollar is overgraded?

I almost just wanna give the man 300 so he'd stop reposting every few days, tired of getting eBay alerts on this
Another zero feedback eBay seller who doesn't know anything about coins and just copied somebody else's title.
Nothing to see here, move along.
He should have never cracked it out!
He should never have cracked it out and carried it in his pocket for 5 years...
I see no problem with this as It might re-sticker?
Wow! Those new PCGS holders are crystal clear!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Unbelievable....As stated above, seller copied description somewhere and has no idea what it means. Cheers, RickO
This is the type of post where you bid and don't pay.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
I have often wondered what's up with this type of seller - other than an obvious scam. But I think it's actually an Ebay listing issue? Thats because their listing for dummies approach has you pick a coin that looks like yours and the lister goes yeah thats mine with disregard for all the other terms/descriptions. They see $5000 and they think my coin is worth that too! Same problem with proof searches and you get non proof coins listed. Thats beacuse the seller pulls up the template that originally had a proof coin listed - changes the date, etc., (or not) and the algorithms think its ia "proof" as that was what the original template was and viola - another screwed up listing.