Morgan Specialists: Does the last "8" look small to you?

Perhaps I am just seeing things. . . yet it appears the third "8" within the date is of a different size than the other two. It sits slightly upward too.
I checked the various VAMS and didn't see one that would fit this description.
What do you think?
Third 8 is inverted.
Two minutes later...

I think that the crud in the openings of the third 8 just give the illusion that it is smaller.
The coin is round (there’s breaking news for you 🤪) that third 8 is tilted just a little because the coin is curving and it is an optical illusion OR maybe it’s smaller and someone will pay you…

The crud in the third 8 causes some visual variance - if it were removed, the numeral would be closer to the other two 8's.... I do believe there may be a slight font difference, perhaps, if verified, could become a VAM. Cheers, RickO
Where was this coin minted?
New Orleans.