1986 Silver Eagle with some toning

I haven't looked at my Silver Eagles in a while. The toning on this one got a little darker since 2017 when the second picture was taken.
Watch the mirror count the lines
The battle scars of all the good times
The battle scars of all the good times
It's going to keep darkening. It is probably the cardboard or rubber insert. If you don't want the coin to AT darkly, you need to get it out of that holder.
Yes, get it out. This is not going to end in the way you may hope.
Funny thing is the holder is one of those Intercept Shield holders that was supposed to protect coins.
The battle scars of all the good times
That insert can't be intercept shield.

The battle scars of all the good times
coins should not be stored where their surfaces can interact with paper products unless intentional toning is desired.
Taco Bell napkins work great.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Assuming the insert is true intercept shield, my recollection is that the intercept products need to be changed periodically as they lose their ability to intercept contaminants as they age.
It's either a knock off or there's machine oil or something on it. Their materials are supposed to be archival
Yep, something wrong there...And from the look of the strongly tarnished spot by the sun, it could be from some contamination on the coin prior to inserting in the holder....Now spreading.... Cheers, RickO