Which city has the most abusive fans?

Aaron Rodgers recently told a story about how bad Philly fans can be, which city do you think has the most abusive fans?
Aaron Rodgers' story about profane Eagles fan is incredible
How a visiting athlete handles the relentless verbal abuse of playing a game in Philadelphia will tell you a lot about their mettle. Do they complain about getting heckled at the Linc or in the Wells Fargo Center? Or do they lean into it, and maybe even give some back?
It's pretty clear where Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers lands.
Rodgers, who's had an interesting media week after he was caught on camera last Sunday screaming 'I own you!' at Bears fans in Chicago after a touchdown, was asked Wednesday if Chicago's the only place in the NFL where he gets consistent heckling.
(Rodgers said he responded that way in part because a Bears fan was flipping him a middle finger after the touchdown.)
Unsurprisingly, Rodgers said he gets heckled lots of places - but his answer will make Eagles fans smile:
"REPORTER: Does that happen everywhere? Or just Chicago?
"RODGERS: No, it happens a lot of places. Definitely not just Chicago. There's some other places we've been that have some rowdy fans. Philly I think may be the best trash talkers.
"I told this story back years and years ago, when somebody the entire game - I was a backup - he yelled, 'Hey Rodgers, get the splinters out of your ass.' All game long. To where, by the time the third quarter happened I was impressed that he was still at it, so I turned and gave him a little wave.
"But yeah, Philly fans. Real good trash talkers."
Yep, that's phenomenal. "Get the splinters out of your ass" is such a uniquely specific heckle, so much better than just yelling "You suck" all game at a player. Really great work by that Eagles fan from years ago. He earned that wave from Rodgers.
Rodgers' response to Eagles fans ripping him all game is awesome, and jibes with the Eli Manning's description of Eagles fans from a couple years ago:
"You go there, and that 9-year-old kid is giving you the double finger. Not a thumbs-up. Not, 'We're No. 1.' And he said something about my mom; I had to Google what it was. It's just different. It's a different culture."
Eagles fans: making it hard on opposing quarterbacks across the years. Good stuff.
The answer is probably Philly. But back in the early 00s when I bought the cheap nose bleeds at Fenway, there was some pretty good stuff going on there too. I remember these NY fans showed up once all decked out in Yanks gear. The Sox fans were riding them all game but they sat silently and behaved. In the latter innings, some Sox drunkard threw something on the field. A few minutes later security showed up and asked “who threw it?” Without missing a beat, half the section pointed at the Yankees fans who’s been sitting there minding their own business. They got tossed and there was a huge ovation. I love Boston.
Pittsburgh fans did the wave while a Buffalo played laid on the turf possibly paralyzed. I'll go with them.
I vote Philly fans - after all, they "Booed" and threw snowballs at Santa -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Its probably philly, they did boo both mike schmidt and santa clause.
but, I have been to an awful lot of sox games at Fenway and they can give it to the opposition as well as anyone. I still can hear the chants of Dar-yl everytime the Strawman came to bat.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
You lads have obviously never been to a Raiders game.
Definitely Philly fans. I remember Michael Irvin's final NFL game, laying flat on the turf in Philly possibly paralyzed with fans cheering that moment. They are the worst, no doubt.
Philly. Reminds me of a time we went to Philly looking for where my ancestors are buried. I had never seen or heard of such rude a holes in my life. Obnoxious, nasty, indecent. I couldn't believe my ancestors would live in an area that produced such unholy basturds. A few years later I had reason to return. It was like everyone received the memo that we were coming. Everyone was kind, helpful, very polite. I said to myself, "I'm not in Philly, I'm in the twilight zone."
la. they killed a guy. then put the wrong guy in jail. and a receipt of him buying his kid some baseball cards is what proved he was innocent in his murder trial.
true story.
Philadelphia and wherever the Raiders are located. Both groups are the most obnoxious people I've ever encountered....... Best fans.......PACKERS!.....And the girl Packer fans are the best looking women football fans!...Bar None!
I just asked The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant the question........ Her answer? ......."Eagles, Raiders.....want more sour cream on your taters".....💃
Not familiar with that story. There's a famous one where a guy was cleared because he was in the background of a Larry David TV show being filmed at the Dodger Stadium.
Louisiana? Los Angeles? Elsewhere?
Be interested to hear the story but not sure how one incident makes the fans the most abusive.
[Best fans.......PACKERS!.....And the girl Packer fans are the best looking women football fans!...Bar None!]
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Never heard of that one Tabe, sounds exactly like the Michael Irvin scenario in Philly.
The Lakers were even fighting themselves this week!
Yes, it’s probably the Philly fans, but when your teams have a tradition of losing, you tend to get cranky.
The Phillies were long noted as a “poor man’s franchise.” Back in the teens, 20s and 30s, if they happened to get a good player, which wasn’t often, they sold him to get the money. The Baker Bowl, where the Phillies played, was so decreped that getting new nails in the locker room where the players could hang their close was a “renovation.”
I'd say that the Carolina Panthers seem to have at least one fan that's pretty salty this morning...