Today's Morgan D&S credit card ping is authorization or real charge?

Last time, the S ASE ping was authorization. It disappeared after 3-4 days.
Now, I have 2 S ASE orders "shipped" with tracking numbers, but there are no pending charges on credit cards.
Did you happen to notice the posts in the Morgan Peace Dollar thread? From that I believe we have started !😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
the correct answer to your question requires more info such as when the shipping notice was posted. So many on this forum request complete answers from incomplete questions.
There is an old saying for that "Garbage in, Garbage out"
There is an official main thread for Morgan & Peace discussions and questions.
Charges will come.... Like taxes, charges are certain.... all a matter of the functioning systems catching up with each other.... Cheers, RickO