"Where is the buyer's brain?"

Post an eBay coin auction that makes you ask "Where is the buyer's brain".
Seller Notes:
“These are not necessarily improperly annealed planchettes, but the color change and toning would indicate that but I am not a grading service so I cannot represent that. BUT these coin(s) are UNIQUE and INTERESTING, and the only warranty I will give is that they are genuine US coins pulled from circulation, the discoloration is not dirt, it is not paint, it is in the metal. I also represent that I did nothing to alter these coins. I found them, made sure it wasnt dirt on them, snapped a pic and here we are.”
Black Beauty half Dollar. They are often also called toned coins.
These are Unique and valuable because of the color change which is in the metal, not on the surface (dirt).
You may even discover that these are clad layer errors or improperly annealed planchettes, but I cannot make that determination, you'd have to get them graded.
These were coins pulled from circulation. They are listed here because their color change make them interesting. Who’s to say if these are error coins, I am not making that claim. I am claiming that this discoloration is not dirt, it’s in the metal, and I have not altered these coins with the rare exception of wiping a little dirt off them to determine their true state.
You won’t find another quite like this, good luck!!
I offer free economy shipping !!
I offer 30 money back returns
I have several other items similar to this one, I appreciate your consideration
This seller has sold a lot of these environmentally damaged coins. This is both sad and funny. Funny explanation, but sad that some new collector will fall for this jibberesh and actually buy these. The coin is worth exactly 50 cents-not a penny more. $5.95 ??
Post "Where is the Buyer's Brain" eBay auctions.

What brain?
Maybe there’s a blossoming interest in collecting environmentally damaged coins.
If not, perhaps the seller is hoping to ignite a new passion in the collecting public?
Things ARE rather frothy!
In these crazy times, nothing would surprise me anymore.
The vision I carry in my mind as to what may have caused a coin to look like this are not pleasant.
I guess that’s what happens when one spends most of their life working in health care ;-)
Not my cup of tea, but to each their own.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
People buy stuff that I wouldn't all the time. I don't know about making fun of them because they do but then, that's just me.
So in the Auction title is " Improperly Annealed Error "
But then in the description he states: "These are not necessarily improperly annealed planchettes,"
Sometime ya gotta just shake your head!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Here is another one.

[1989 P Jefferson Nickle Error "BLACK BEAUTY" (Improperly Annealed Planchet)](1989 P Jefferson Nickle Error "BLACK BEAUTY" (Improperly Annealed Planchet))
This is not an annealed planchet. It is just an environmentally damaged coin. $5.99?
My point sir, is misrepresentation. The coins are not as described. Newbe buys these because they believe the auction listing and gets skunked and leaves the hobby.
@rec78 It sold for $5, what’s your issue? Waste of a post IMO.
Maybe they are new to dipping and wanted to experiment on cheap toned coins. Just because it sold doesn’t mean someone liked it. There could be a million reasons.
Jumping to a lot of conclusions here
The buyer's brain is absent. Bidiots one and all.
The seller says "I found this in circulation and don't know what it is". Nobody who reads the description is deceived.
What the seller claims:
"the only warranty I will give is that they are genuine US coins pulled from circulation, the discoloration is not dirt, it is not paint, it is in the metal."
Seems pretty clear to me.
What happens when that newbie comes here to post about his purchase and sees a thread started to make fun of him?
If your point was misrepresentation and coins not being as described, why’ have a thread title of “Where is the buyer's brain?" and why post Post "Where is the Buyer's Brain" eBay auctions.“? That doesn’t make sense to me.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I don’t know but the guy sounds honest enough. Not every one in this hobby is fast tracked to the set registry. In other words not everyone is an expert or even trying to be.
And if the guy can’t make a honest buck or two to help support his hobby/addiction :-) then I think that would run someone out of the hobby quicker than the buyer that would have allegedly gotten burned.
That guy never makes it anyway.
this one has many buyers ...
Little more than bullion.
He learns something.
If he wants to.
Selling coins that are environmentally damaged as annealed planchet coins is the same thing as selling counterfeit coins to me. There may be people that want to pay a lot of money for counterfeit coins also, maybe they want to collect them. So why take them down because they are counterfeits? Using deceitful descriptions like this is meant to deceive people into thinking that they are getting something of value.
I’m strongly against sellers who offer counterfeits and make misrepresentations of other types. But your thoughts about such sellers doesn’t account for a thread about BUYERS without brains.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
142 Dummies.
Who probably googled Special Mint Sets, and figured they'd make a fortune
BHNC #203
Yes, David, we're accepting appointments for pickups and I'll be happy to provide opinions on your coins.
Halloween or otherwise, don't be scared - I'm just a morning person.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Looks like a bunch of sales hype that includes an honest statement.... Much like selling used cars...Cheers, RickO