PAN Coin Show October 28 to 30, 2021

Wow just got off the phone with the exhibit chairman PAN. He told me PAN is having a record number of exhibits with over 100 cases and 18 exhibitors. Along with the large bourse floor, also speakers and a program for the kids on Saturday. For more information about the show see the web site which is Should be a great show hope to see you at the show Carl.
aka Carldoggiedad
I will be set up there stop by and say HI!
Report please.
I used to go to the PAN show twice a year. Haven't been there for maybe 15 years now. I always did well cherrypicking at that show, I miss it.
Sounds as if it is shaping up to be a great show. Looking forward to some good reports. Cheers, RickO
Used to live in the area and would always take a day off work and go to Monroeville. I somehow always found myself in the back buying some reference books from John Burns and discussing German Porcelain Notgeld.
Always enjoyed that show.
Enjoy yourself at the show, I will be Thinking of how well things went , Show Report Please! Let us know how the Exhibits turned out, Thanks...
See us @ Table #705.