Any $ premium for this reverse toning?

I know Ricko will throw up at this one! But wondering if those who enjoy toning will pay any premium for it?
Pics won't win any awards but I did my best. Obverse is standard. I tried in different lighting conditions so in lower light it looks more subdued.
For me the obverse has too many distractions that aren’t erased by the nice toning on the reverse.
If forced to buy an ms62 80-S Morgan, I’d prefer your toned example. I just don’t think their are many people looking for toners in that grade & year. Just my two cents though.
That kind of toning makes me think of an oil drip from a car at a gas station. Not great, but not bad. Personally, I would opt for a specimen in a better grade.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
Perhaps a little but not enough. And, right or wrong, being on the reverse makes it a bit less desirable anyway.
If you want an 80S in 66 with nice toning I have one.
Is that last picture showing the laser beam used to produce the excessive toning?
Yes it will bring a premium above a standard MS 62. How much depends on the venue, format (buy it now vs auction), and how much someone likes it. A coin being a 62 doesn't stop people from paying large premiums; I've seen common date 62s bring $1k but those were much nicer than this one. I could see this one bringing around $100 as a conservative estimate via auction.
If you're selling, the eBay crowd would eat this up. For some reason any Morgan toner gets a pretty good premium on there.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
To me, that's blah neutral toning on a super common date that does nothing for the value, plus or minus.
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Let's put it this way; I'd pay more for a blast white MS62 of the same date than that coin.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I did not throw up.... felt a little queasy though....
. Cheers, RickO
Thanks everyone! Appreciate the feedback.
Years ago, before everyone became so sophisticated the general rule was pretty toning was worth 10% more $$. This was good advice, but buying the sizzle is what has taken over.
PS we've been sophisticated for a long time now.
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