A Few Error Coins to Share

I have had the Lincolns for over 20 years now, so please forgive the crudeness of the pictures. These were scans that I did way back when and never upgraded the quality. The nickel and quarter were purchased shortly before I took a break from collecting.
As always, your comments are welcomed.
Looks like some nice stuff there. I really like the quarter, though I would quibble with the label. The first strike was not 60+% O/C. Obviously just not enough room for more elaborate description.
Nice errors!
Very cool group! I don’t collect errors but when you see ones like that it stops you in your tracks. Amazing to consider how the heck that happened and how it escaped quality control.
The nickel is my favorite! 👍🏻
USAF Retired — 34 years of active military service! 🇺🇸
Really amazing errors. Especially like that struck 15 times O/C quarter.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Nice group of errors.
Although not an error collector, I do find them very interesting. Figuring out how they occur is always fun, though not always conclusive. Interesting specimens. Cheers, RickO
Nice group of errors.
Thanks for sharing!
Really nice errors. I like the nickel a lot.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
Thanks all. I've got quite a few pieces. In the 1999-2000 time frame, I have a great relationship with a coin dealer who sold me all his newly acquired errors. Several hundred coins were bought throughout that period. Many were just minor broadstrikes and other minor types, but about 150 of them were more dramatic like the two Lincolns I posted in the OP. There were three mated pairs, a few off metals, etc. The majority of these are still with me today.
Nice cool errors! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome errors !!!
I believe the 15x Quarter was on my watchlist and probably bid on it
Could have been. If I recall correctly, it was a Buy It Now, but it was so long ago, I really do not remember. There were two other coins with it. Do you remember them?
I still have those, too.
THe quarter has no date... but can the experts here narrow it down, or pinpoint it?
By using various design elements you can narrow it down to a date range, but not an exact year as far as I am aware. I was thinking it was minted somewhere between 1995 and 1998.