PNNA Tukwila (Seattle) Show Report (Friday, October 8)
It's been a while since I was last at a coin show--January, 2020, was the Boeing show, and nothing since then. In the past, the Seattle PNNA show (held one town over in Tukwila) has been in the Spring (I attend almost every year), and the fall PNNA show has been in Portland (I've never attended). Maybe two weeks ago someone asked if I was going to the fast-approaching show in Tukwila, and after thinking, "I was completely unaware there's a show coming up!" said yes and made plans to go on Friday since I couldn't do Saturday and Sunday traffic tends to be light.
To set the atmosphere of a Seattle show, the day started extra early because I was using the day off work as an opportunity to try out a new doggy daycare for my furry best friend (if you're unfamiliar, Seattle has more dogs than people). Then I went back home, got myself ready, and headed to the show. I stopped at a bank near the show to get cash, and with a hat, mask, and black leather bag, felt as close as I ever have to being a robber as I patiently waited in line. Spoiler alert: I showed the teller my ID and not wanting to be that robber, proceeded to withdraw money the legal way.
I got to the show around 9:20, got my earlybird badge, and headed in. Early on it was difficult to figure out which tables didn't have a dealer yet versus the ones that would be empty for the whole show. The show never did completely fill up as it usually does, but there were plenty of dealers with a good amount of inventory to look through. My main goal was to look for some coins off my want list, but having made a big buy earlier in the week (, I didn't need to spend any money. I found a few coins that could have fit, but they weren't quite what I was looking for, and I preferred to wait for the right coin instead.
That said, I did end up buying a LOT. Way more than I planned, and for the first time ever, I found myself lacking box space, so I just had loose slabs in my bag. I noticed one coin in a dealer's case which looked to be a great deal, and scoured the table more and found quite a few. A second look later in the day and I bought another stack. It's a good thing I brought checks with me in addition to the cash! I may keep one or two of these, but while I don't do too much flipping, these were buys were too good to pass up. While I was at the table the first time and getting some prices, @ThePennyLady stopped by to look, and we caught up a bit. An interesting coin show etiquette situation came up: while I was being helped, I saw Charmy eye a coin that I would have pulled had I noticed it. I suppose it was still technically "my turn" but since I'd already started getting prices, it didn't feel right to ask to see a coin I know I didn't see first. Charmy let me look at it later at her table, and yes, I would have bought it had I noticed it earlier. Oh, well. I think I did what was fair.
Beyond those two big purchases, I also found one pretty Walker with some nice color (I'll get photos and post it soon) which I bought to keep. It's not a monster by any stretch, but it's a lovely coin at the right price, and I can enjoy nice Walkers all day.
In addition to walking the bourse way too many times, I spent some time chatting with a few folks not on the boards as well as
@Lakesammman (who had a table), @bochiman, and @SeattleSlammer. Tim had a beautiful New Rochelle half on the Not For Sale side of his table, but said he'd accept a crazy offer for it. I offered him 50 bucks and he replied, "that's crazy, but low, so no." To recap, he said he'd take a crazy offer, admitted my offer was crazy, and then immediately said he wouldn't take my crazy offer. And here I thought Tim had integrity . The only friend I didn't spend too much time talking to at the show was @PonyExpress8, since we had plans for him to swing by my place Saturday night so we could catch up. We did, and it was an enjoyable evening.
I ended up staying at the show until around 2, which is well longer than I planned, but it didn't feel like too much time. It was nice to do a normal activity again and to see some friends and catch up after a long time apart. That I got some nice coins in the process was icing on the cake.
And since you're wondering, daycare worked out great, and my pup was thoroughly tired out. So we both had a great day.
Good seeing you. That is a pretty Walker you grabbed. ⭐️
Thanks for the show report.
Thanks for the detailed report. Sounds like you have added many coins recently.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
How was the mustard?
I was at the show as well but did not get there until 5pm Friday ( closed at 7pm)
I went back 10 am till 12 pm Saturday
Every dealer I spoke with was remarking what a great show it was for them .
Seattle coin collectors must have been really ready for this this show as I believe the last one was 2 years ago .
I don’t collect US coins anymore per se but I did buy a few world coins both slabbed and raw.
One dealer had a huge haul buying at that show !
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Dunno. Didn’t eat anything. Didn’t stain my shirt.
Thanks for the show report.... Looks like you had a good show and enjoyed it. I always enjoyed that show when I lived there....Cheers, RickO
Lol. Your funny dude! Lol. Glad to see you're back in the "CoinShow" game! Did you miss it? Sounds like you had an awesome time? Sure, you said you spent too much and spent too much time there. But, com on, you gotta admit both well worth it, huh? Lol. I too, had finally gotten back into the game myself. But my reason was because of me getting the dreaded Covid. It felt fantastic to go to my first Show since. Attending a Show again, You, as well as, myself, it felt "Like a kid in a candy shop!"

Thanks for the report. Tell your doggy I said hi.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Let’s see the walker!
I was set up at that show and am curious if there is a way to find out who my fellow "Message Boarders' are. I am familiar with your user names but not the face...
Super report!
Thanks so much.
This is a show I have attended on and off over the past several years and have enjoyed.
Wish Icould have attended this year but the distance is a bit of an obstacle now.
Maybe next year though? I’d have to plan ahead- which isn’t my strong point these days.
Looking forward to seeing that Walker when you get a chance though.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
For the record, said I would consider a crazy offer, which was promptly rejected.
Hope you and Puck enjoyed the Kraken game last night.
Great seeing you at the show!
Oh, I had a great time. I don’t go to many shows normally so the extended break wasn’t the same as it would be if I went every few weeks.
Puck replies:
I didn’t like the photos I got the first time, so you have to wait a little bit longer 😬
Put up a big sign telling us to introduce ourselves? I’m sure I saw you for whatever that’s worth 😂
We did enjoy the game, but we’re waiting for the weekend for our team to play.
Here ya go!