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Have you had a NGC CAC not cross to PCGS?

DisneyFanDisneyFan Posts: 2,093 ✭✭✭✭✭

And then if you did cross, did you not get a CAC?


Best Answer

  • drddmdrddm Posts: 5,368 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 10, 2021 1:16PM Answer ✓

    I haven’t owned too many NGC coins but those I have owned crossed at grade, with or without the sticker, or crossed one grade below, and then I upgraded it back to the original NGC grade with a PCGS regrade submission.

    I’ve also had a few NGC CAC coins cross at grade to PCGS and then upgrade with a plus or by a full point. One actually upgraded by a full point AND a plus too, and another crossed from NGC 61 (without a sticker) to PCGS 61 and then with a few regrade submissions upgraded to PCGS 63+ and then got stickered!

    It really all depends on the coin but having the CAC sticker in my opinion on the NGC coin certainly helps your chances.



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