Here Is Another Idea to Improve the Digital Albums of the Showcases

By no means do I want to give anyone the impression that I am a seasoned expert. Indeed, I still feel that I am a coin collector and not a numismatist.
In any case, would it not be useful (and perhaps interesting) if the authors could add a sentence or two about their coins in the digital albums of their showcase rather being limited to one page that you have to be very careful not to exceed the amount of words? For example, for showcases with more than 20 coins, it might improve the enjoyment of reading it, if the author was able to add info regarding the significance of some of the coins.
I have a showcase of America's Presidents and I was forced to exclude some interesting info because of space concerns. Unless I am doing something incorrectly (which is certainly possible), it would seem to me that the showcases may be more interesting if what I am suggesting could be made possible.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts from anyone?
I have seen ShowCases that have the entire page of text on the inside of the cover...but You certainly could do a "Brags" thread named the same as the ShowCase Title and post each coin year-by-year with Your thoughts and praises for others to admire
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Interesting idea.
I was more wondering whether there would be interest in modifying the design of showcases to allow more flexibility.
Well, I guess not.
In My get a current process changed there have to be numerous requests for the exact same thing
I am in that process right now for a different reason...trying to get some action/confirmation of any possible change is like pulling teeth
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Thanks for the guidance.
It's by no means guidance...just some observations and My continuing frustration with how things are vs how the really need to be...
But that's being addressed in several other threads
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
It is possible to add descriptions to coins in showcases. Coin descriptions can be added to each coin when it is added to inventory. When the coin is chosen for the showcase any information and photos goes with it to the showcase. Some of my showcases have comments about each coin. Check out my showcase below for an example.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
I really appreciate the feedback you have provided. I will review your showcase.
Many thanks
Beautiful showcase and coins.
For clarification, I meant in the digital album.
Nice descriptive showcase @mrcommem.
Thanks for the guide on how to add the verbiage to a coin's listing.
Kennedys are my quest...
As for as adding text to a digital album, only the inside cover can be used for descriptive purposes. Actually I would like to add more coins to a page, especially small coins like dime and cents The older Whitman's albums had up to 25 or 30 coins per page. I agree that the digital albums do not have enough flexibility.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set