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New Copy Stand!!!

cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,928 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 23, 2021 3:34PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I recently bought a new Smith-Victor copy stand to replace the cheapo one I bought, mainly because the pole was angled forward instead of being perpendicular to the base, so as you raised/lowered the camera its position changed relative to the coin. The Smith-Victor was nicer, but the camera arm, for some reason, was plastic. It was flimsy, and with my 180mm macro on the camera, the parallax was WAY off, as the weight made the camera tilt inward toward thew pole. I was showing this to my buddy Harry (@shortnock), a retired AP photographer, and he said "what you need is a heavy duty stand like the Polaroid one we used to use". He remembered that a friend of his had it, and called to ask if she'd be willing to part with it. She said sure, and simply gave it away. Harry's brother brought it down from Ft. Worth today, and I got it setup.

This thing is HUGE. It almost touches the ceiling. It is really sturdy and heavy, and vibration is not a problem like it was with my old copy stands. Anyway, here it is, in all its glory, my new (old) Polaroid MP4 Land Camera copy stand, along with the first couple of images I shot just to see how it would do. Thank you @shortnock!

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