1891-CC Morgan UNUSUAL curves in Eagles Wing

I really need help. I own a PCGS graded MS64+ 1891-CC Morgan Dollar. It is a spitting eagle variety, but there is something so unusual about this coin that I cannot find information about anywhere. I can't figure out how to upload a photo
The reverse of the coin features the typical "spitting" gouge, but on this coin, If you were to look straight down from where the "spitting" gouge is, you see what appears to be a very well set curving like a snake going into the eagles's wing It comes up out of the wing, dips back in, and continues a little into the left point of the wing. I'd be happy to include images if I can. I've searched everywhere to find out what this is, but to no avail. PCGS did not designate it a spitting eagle variation, though it is, and the first C in the CC appears to be doubled. There are also polishing lines in the same wing, down lower, and certain marks near the eagles feet and wreath as well. Any help would be appreciated.
I can't figure out how to add a photo. The photo button wants a URL and I don't have this photo on any web page. Help? I can email it to someone have anyone who knows how could upload it.
Drag and drop in the text box
Closeups but also full reverse
This is what drag and drop is doing... When I try to drop it from my photos app, it opens into the whole page rather then an image in the text box...
If anyone can send me a email address or a line that received photos I can email or text them. When I try to upload it either takes over the whole page and I have to go back to this page, or it inserts a line of code and not the photos.
I've tried about 20 times and I can't get a photo to upload. I even tried changing my user icon to that image and it denied permission. If anyone can help, please let me know. I can text or email the photos of the coin.
PM sent to see if you can attach it there.
I've tried about 20 times and I can't get a photo to upload)
Just drag the pic into your post - but of course you are doing this on a phone Eh?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Sounds too shady - anybody else have at it!!!!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Nothing shady at all.
I've tried and I'm working on figuring out this platform. Had to put our girls to bed. I'm using my MacBook Pro. I transferred the photos form my iPhone to my Mac an I've been trying to drag and drop, but have been unsuccessful. I don't know if its a Mac thing, or just me, which I assume it is just me. I'll get it figured out as soon as possible. Nothing shady though, I don't really get that comment.
I'm brand new to this forum. How do I initiate the PM? I've clicked on your user id, but don't see a PM button. I'm wondering if my being new has the account restricted and that may be my problem?
Can anyone recommend a different forum that isn't difficult to upload a photo to? I'm thinking the new account is being restricted and I've tried everything. I just want some help ID'ing this coins markings.
This is my junk email, If anyone is willing to send me a message that I can reply to with these photo's in the body of the email, please do. If not, I understand. Too many jerks doing bad things. I'm not one of them. Just want help Identifying the coin. Here is the email address and here is the PCGS Cert Number of my coin.
PCGS Cert #81934899
I've been trying and can't get it to upload. I think me being new to this forum caused a restriction or something. The PCGS cert number of the coin is 81934889
If the pics are on your phone then in the comment box in the upper right there is an icon that looks like mountains. Click on that and then it will let you select the image from your gallery.
I just got an idea. If anyone can goes to the PCGS Cert Page and keys in the id, 81934899, it'll show this coin was on Heritage Auctions. Clicking the Heritage page shows the picture of my coin.
I switched back to my iPhone. When I click the box for photos it asks for a url. It doesn’t bring up my photos gallery.
Here is a photo of my coin form heritage. If you have a log in, click on the photo reverse and you will see the lines I'm asking about. https://coins.ha.com/itm/a/1251-5140.s
If you zoom in, you can see the lines. My photos are better, but I can't get them to upload but if you look carefully at the reveres, you can see what I am talking about.
Seriously, Thank you so much. The blown up view makes it easy to see. I really appreciate it. I just can't get a single photo to upload. I have images from my microscope, but does me no good. Thank a lot for your help. Still love to get an ideal on what the lines are.
The markings in question can be seen in this photo thanks to ifthevamzarockin. Follow the "spitting" die gouge down and you will see some strange loops that snake through the top of the Eagles Wing. That is the marking I am trying to get help identifying. I can't find any reference to it anywhere at all.
The little curved thing looks like it may be a strike-thru.
It is not a mark that is commonly found on the Vam 3
It is not something that would bring a premium or would be able to be listed as a new sub-vam.
I've never seen them on any 1891-CC. I've searched everywhere I can and haven't found anything like it. It doesn't look like damage to the coin and PCGS did not disqualify grading it. It's the size and shape that are particularly interesting to me. It didn't line up with any of the "spitting" vams. There are also markings around the eagles feet and the first of the two C's in the mint mark looks like it might be duplicated. Other then that, it's just that snake like looping through the top of that wing, along with some bars in the same wing that have thrown me off as to what variety it is.
Oh, Welcome to the forum!
There are die polish lines on this vam.
well, I seriously appreciate the help. "ifthevamzarockin". I'd still like to find out of it is a strike through or something else. Had it been a VAM, I would have expected to find it on vamworld or have someone have reference to it. That's why I came here, hoping to get some help. You're a good guy or gal for helping me out with those photos. Much appreciated.
Yeah t has everything form that photo and some more. It's got that snaking loop through the top of the wing and a bar like line or two in the same wing.
So maybe VAM-3 and a strike through to explain it?
Just past half way down that same wing, you can see a horizontal bar as well. I was using my scope and the blown up image on heritages website.. It has that in addition to the snaking and the other marks indicated in the VAM 3 photos.
It is a little hard to tell for sure but my best guess would be it was struck thru a small scrap of wire.
Well, I would give you about 50 likes or thumb up's, but I'm having a hard time navigating this site. A sincere thank you though.
Easy enough....just click the like button.
I just gave you one.
Strike through error.
I seriously think this account being new is heavily restricted. I don't see a like button. I found a ignore, but not a like? I've never had this kind of difficulty on a web site before.
@C2C... Welcome aboard... the mark in question looks like a minor strike through.... I doubt there would be any numismatic premium. Cheers, RickO
He knows what goes
Sometime this evening I’ll post some how-tos
One issue might be the file format. Unsure. But the “.heic” picture format is an apple invention. Perhaps converting it to “.jpg” or “jpeg” will help.
I can post photos from my phone tho.
And your account is definitely not being restricted
I hope that is a good start
not being a new member i cannot say one way or another for this new-ish software but forums are set up to prohibit new members from taking certain actions until certain criteria are met showing their legitimacy and keeping a lid on, uhh, lets say, new member attitude and over-sensitivity and trolls and hackers and bots etc etc.
I don’t know about the lines on the reverse but that is o e of the nicest CC’s. Congratulations
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Doesn't it show a box that says "choose files"? You would click on that.
Technically it is a button, but yeah press that one
So, I was just approved for membership to this forum today, and just like that, all of the options I lacked to post a few days ago are now there. Much thanks for the help while I was limping along and not in full fellowship.
Thank you. Seems consistent that it's likely a strike through. I had honestly thought it was a part of a VAM that I couldn't identify.
It appease the handicaps not being technically accepted to this forum till today. When I got the okay and I logged back in this afternoon, many new options including like and photo upload are here now.
thank you.
Now that I'm officially in the club...