Reconsideration or Regrade

I'm concerned about having my "67" graded coins regraded. I think most deserve a higher grade. My concern is that while un encapsulated a speck of dust or other foreign particulate would contaminate and affect a coin, notwithstanding the fact that PCGS graders are professionals. I recently sent in these same coins for reconsideration and while I did get one upgrade to 68 and set a world record auction price, (lot 188, Regency Auction 47) I'm not sure if it's too soon to resubmit the "cousin" coins for reconsideration or whether I should submit them for a regrade where the recent submission wouldn't have any effect or bias the graders decision.
Welcome aboard @buffalo_5c_fanatic.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide photos of both sides of the coin.
Kennedys are my quest...
I don’t think you’re likely to get the same set of graders, the same graders in the same mood, the same graders having had cheese for lunch, or the same graders now musing about their weekend plans.
Sounds like you’re playing the game with fairly valuable coins…. In that realm, there are some “tricks” that submitters try, but most of the time I think the graders actually just grade the coins in front of them. They see too many to remember them all - even the nice ones. When it comes to making a new “top pop” or upgrading a coin that adds significant value, decisions like that probably come down to the finalizer.
Having said all that, your chances have everything to do with the actual coins and comparatively little with how you play the game.
It seems you are already working with Legend Numismatics, so why don't you get Laura's input instead of a bunch of generic and likely not-so-well-versed strangers? Laura has been doing this for quite some time and has no doubt had some fabulous results.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks all.
I do not have photos to post. I plan to get the coins photographed at PCGS if I decide to go with a regrade. I'm not clear if they can be Tru Viewed thru the holder. If you read my other post you'll see of the strange experience I had with having one coin Tru Viewed and the other not, both for reconsideration and to be Tru Viewed.
Working with Legend has been great. They are true professionals.
Legend knows how to grade and should have an excellent handle on what to expect from the TPGs. Let them be your guide.