O.T. Just now 4.5 earthquake in southern Cali

Anyone from here feel it?? It was a short roll and hard up and down jerk.
I was sure it was under me and when i looked it up it was in Carson….. a few miles away.
Sheez that one actually scared me.
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Epicenter just a couple of miles from my house. Felt different and scary.
Yeah Carson is only a few miles away. Dogs came running out and looking at me like I did something.
That hasn’t been a close one around here in years
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Glad you are and hope everyone is safe.
My Collection of Old Holders
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I hope all are safe. God Bless and you have our best wishes.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Its the city I live in & it packed a wallop, several picture frames fell, food on top of the fridge, but no injuries or major damage so far.
Check your neighborhood if possible and remember to take a quick walk around for any gas smell. Take a good size crescent wrench. Turning off gas or water. Born and lived 28 years there. They are scary. We’ll hold you close tonight. Take care.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Didn't feel a thing here. 50/60 miles Southeast of Carson. Just asked The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant if she felt anything....... Nope.
wow @bronzemat ....to close for comfort!.....glad you and everyone are safe and hopefully no larger aftershocks
@Jzyskowski1 thanked for the good thoughts
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Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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The aftershocks can be and usually are worse. May be days or weeks later......or 10 minutes.... no telling.
You are generaly correct but I sincerely hope your ring this time
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Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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About a little over a mile E of Carson, CA
Stay safe y'all.
Could it be from the explosion?
Perhaps what you felt was a combination?
And just like your dogs, the poor cats are very confused too.
Edited to add twitter link.
A tiny one by Alaska standards. I had a 4.9 earlier this week, barely noticed.
Hmmmmm, That would explain what the loud boom was immediately after the earthquake.
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Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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In that tweeter video, I like how there is one cat who remains calms, takes stock of the situation and then takes action. All the others are just running for their lives.
Nothing felt in Studio City. 4.4 in the epicenter is a rattler. I've been in two MAJOR Quakes. Mexico City and Tokyo. Both times I figured it was game over for me. I was in high high buildings. Not fun.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I experienced Loma Prieta in 1989 and a Silicon Valley quake in 1984 that was over 6.0 and lasted 30 seconds. They are definitely nerve-wracking!
I hope everything is stable over there on the left coast.
I remember the sound, like finger nails on a chalk board .
I hope all of our fellow collectors are safe out there. It didn't even make the news here.
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Be safe everyone
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I was in the 6.8 Nisqually quake in Seattle... That one was really big. Been through a lot of smaller ones in WA state, CA and even NYS. I do not want to go through anymore big ones though....Cheers, RickO
Worst earthquake in SoCal was 50 years ago. The Sylmar earthquake was a 6.5 and threw me out of bed, and I was 25 mile away from it.
Everything since doesn't measure up. The handful of others are more a nuisance than a scare.
Yikes!! Hope all is well! Be safe!!
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Glad your safe Stef.
Spoke to my son in the West Hollywood hills and he didn’t feel anything but heard some noise.
I don’t like the shakers.
Been in a few decent ones. The Sylmar near LA threw me from wall to wall in our hallway. That was the craziest one. Then both the Seattle quakes. The Nisqually was a pretty wild one. Our building at work was closed for a couple of weeks due to some big cracks.
I seem to be able to feel them coming early, a bit like the dogs that start barking ahead of time. The dogs pick it up before I do. Listen to them!
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
Well, it's been a while, be safe, check all connections. We lived thru a few in the 70's in SF and Marin. Peace Roy
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My wife grew up in that area. She says that anything under 5.0 does not count.
Raeleen & I felt it - we live in a high-rise, so the building shook from side to side.
We're told our building can support whatever the biggest possible earthquake is according to the nearby faults - no idea how someone could accurately predict the maximum by fault, but I guess that's why I work with coins, and not earthquakes.
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Thank goodness all has calmed down. It really was a sharp jolt. I guess those of us being that close
to the epicenter felt it very strong.
Also found out that the refinery was burning off the gas as a result of the earthquake for safety reasons.
Good to know.
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Gas lines breaking would be my biggest concern. I think if I had a house in CA, I would use bottled gas with flex lines for all my natural gas needs. Might cost me more $ but what's the price for a little peace of mind?
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Didn’t feel it in Orange. Cats slept though it.
The worst one I’ve felt was the Ridgecrest 7.1 a couple years ago, even though we were quite a long way from it.
Radiant Collection: Numismatics and Exonumia of the Atomic Age.
The largest quake I felt was probably Landers in 92....but we were far away in OC. However, the Northridge quake was more "pick me and throw me" out of bed kind of thing. Smaller but closer.
That's nuts. Two of the biggest in the last century and you were THERE? What are you some sort of quake magnet?
I'm glad you're ok. Hopefully any aftershocks will be small.
Good luck with Everything!!!
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I experienced one when I was in Okinawa 50 years ago. I don't know the strength but it was strong enough to shake things.
Not exactly related but Cumbre Vieja in La Palma is active.
Not being a doomsday proponent or scare mongering, but the ramifications would be huge if part of the island breaks away and falls into the ocean apart from activating the fault lines.