Franklin half Proofs set question?

I am looking to display my Franklin proof set. Now Ive been a fan of Capital plastics for many years.
They make a nice display for the MS set 48 -63 , in black and white. They make a nice proof display in both black and white. However there no space for the 1956 type 1 & type 2 coins.
Now the type 1 is a key to the set...
Capital does make a snap fit together case...that would hold all the coins but ,they wouldn't be dated ,or variety type noted under the coin. I have two of these cases currently, and they are nice...however if dropped the coins would scatter everywhere. As there nothing holding the case together other than the snaps.
I also discovered that Capital plastics at one time made a short set like holder for Franklin half dollars. It was the typical Capital holder with screws to hold it together. It ran from 1955 - 1963 proofs ...the 50 ,51 ,52,53,&54 not included in the set.
For those who do not know about the two types of reverses on the 1956 proof Franklin the link will direct you to the reference needed.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
This is what the short set in a capital holder looks like.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Have you considered making a digital version of this? One you can customize and put in any coins you like with any layout pleasing to your eye. I know it's not a hold-in-your-hand and touch kind of thing, but you can certainly have it printed and framed to hang on your wall, or share it through online chat rooms (like this forum) and other online social media sites. The sky is the limit. However if you do that, I recommend having high-resolution professional photos made of your coins in advance (single photographer, like PCGS TrueView for example) that you can cut and paste into your digital version. Note that all the coins shown below are PCGS TrueView photos that I cut and pasted. I did the layouts custom in Photoshop.
I've done Capitol Plastic type digital versions before ...

Or you can do full coinboard sets ...

My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
have you considered contacting them to make you your own special case saying whatever you want?
Yes I have ,but my experience with custom orders is that you probably make something yourself cheaper,and to the spec's you want.
Im sure that they could and would make one. But cost?
I would rather put the cost towards a more customized look.
I was just inquiring if any others display cases are available.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Here's an old school solution from a guy who's worked with tools his whole life. Drill holes in the corners of your snap-together holder and insert the plastic screws that come from Capitol. You can probably get just the screws and threaded sleeves from them.
I am becoming more and more interested in the Capitol holders for displaying a group of coins. Several shown here the last few days. I may look into it... at some future point. Cheers, RickO
If I had a drill press yes that would work ,and a sharp bit to cut not break the plastic.
I will admit for cents ,and even quarters they are great. I just worrie 1 slip and 20 some coins be bouncing on the floor.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
They are really nice...i do up grade the screws from plastic that comes medal that you can buy from wizard coin supplies.
I do like most all of Capital plastics line. And highly recommend them as a way to store and display.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"