Parsippany Show Report

It was held today, the 2nd Sunday of the month instead of the usual 1st Sunday. I left my house at 10:12 and stopped to get some refreshment for the long trek and stretch my legs a little. I arrived at 10: 24. The bourse was less than 50% full- not a typical Parsippany show. Foot traffic was light too. One of the dealers told me there were a few other NJ shows going on today so he thought that pulled some dealers away. Real nice currency at one dealer and another had nice gold, classic and modern. The usual dark side dealers were there with lots of material.
I looked at a few half dimes but didn't buy anything. It's still summer and the weather here was really nice today so I'm sure that thinned it out too. I have no doubt next month will be better. It will be October 3rd, back to the usual 1st Sunday.
Sorry I don't have more but that was about it.
More info:
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Thanks for taking the time to write it up. Hoping to get to a small show next weekend (though the drive will be more than 12 minutes even without stops).
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
I found that this show in recent years has had less collector traffic and more bullion “seekers”. Don’t m is if that was different today—but hopeful it can get back to the old days; it was a decent show.
Actually there was a girl handing out flyers at the door that had something about bullion on them. I didn't take one but I noticed a pile of discarded ones on a table about 4' away from her.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I’ve attended the show for more than 20 years—I just have noticed recently (meaning the last 3-5 years) many buyers running around trying to beat prices on eagles and bars. Others just are flippers looking up coins on eBay and seeing where you are as compared to last sales—-to see if they can make a buck. All of that is fine—but many sellers will have a hard time covering table fees.
I heard Ed Duran was going to be there.
Great dealer.
BHNC #203
Thanks for the report. Seems slower than reports of this show in the past though... As you said, could be a couple of reasons. Cheers, RickO
I was in the area on Saturday, too bad it didn't work out.