Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

Required Items per Registry Set

Does anyone know if there are any US Coins Registry Sets with only one required item?

Also, how many sets only have 2 required items? There is at least one and that is the 1916 Proof Set.

I could answer this by opening each set and looking, but that will be a bit tedious....


  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited September 12, 2021 7:48PM

    I am unaware...

    The New Set Requests I submitted required 5 certification numbers

    But there may be an option for "Specialty Set Requests"

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • hbarbeehbarbee Posts: 195 ✭✭✭

    I tried messaging some folks at PCGS but did not get an answer. I will open each one up and look as I get a round tuit since I am curious. Will let you know what I find out!

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It takes two (or more) to make a set. By mathematical definition.

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited September 13, 2021 1:22PM


    Unless of course...if You are an avid Poker Player

    A Set is 3 in that case...2 is only a Pair

    Having both a Set and a Pair is a Full House...

    But 4-Of-A-Kind takes the Pot

    But I played a hand that cost the loser dearly...when his 4 Aces came up short against My Royal Flush

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • Dr_BonesDr_Bones Posts: 73 ✭✭✭

    How can you have a Royal flush if he has 4 aces? Not 5 aces in most decks I play

    Visit USPatterns.com

  • RegistryCoinRegistryCoin Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 18, 2021 11:17AM

    From the PCGS Registry:

    United States - Philippines (USPI) Half Centavo, Circulation Strikes (1903-1904)

    “This is clearly the shortest series of U.S. coins and the fewest required in the entire registry – a mere 2 coins, both struck at the Philadelphia mint. Worth 1/4th of a penny at face value, it was a wonder of miniaturization for its time and America’s smallest denomination. Despite all the distinction, the coins fell out of favor with the public, prompting the series’ end after only 2 years.
    Neither date is particularly hard, but finding both of them in gem condition (and especially in the original cherry red) is no cakewalk and a great way to get your feet wet in the US-Philippines series.”

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited September 16, 2021 10:53PM

    @Dr_Bones said:
    How can you have a Royal flush if he has 4 aces? Not 5 aces in most decks I play

    I was dealt KQ Hearts...He had AA

    Flop was A-10 both Hearts and Q Spades - Turn was J Hearts - River was his 4th Ace

    So his hand was AAAA / Q high and Mine was Royal Flush

    Pretty simple and a huge pot win

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,311 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I tried messaging some folks at PCGS but did not get an answer. I will open each one up and look as I get a round tuit since I am curious. Will let you know what I find out!

    Here is your round tuit!

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • bidaskbidask Posts: 14,017 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I only need 1104 coins to complete my registry set. I have completed over 300 coins currently.

    Eight reales first republic 1824 -1897.

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