Required Items per Registry Set

Does anyone know if there are any US Coins Registry Sets with only one required item?
Also, how many sets only have 2 required items? There is at least one and that is the 1916 Proof Set.
I could answer this by opening each set and looking, but that will be a bit tedious....
I am unaware...
The New Set Requests I submitted required 5 certification numbers
But there may be an option for "Specialty Set Requests"
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I tried messaging some folks at PCGS but did not get an answer. I will open each one up and look as I get a round tuit since I am curious. Will let you know what I find out!
It takes two (or more) to make a set. By mathematical definition.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Unless of course...if You are an avid Poker Player
A Set is 3 in that case...2 is only a Pair
Having both a Set and a Pair is a Full House...
But 4-Of-A-Kind takes the Pot
But I played a hand that cost the loser dearly...when his 4 Aces came up short against My Royal Flush
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
How can you have a Royal flush if he has 4 aces? Not 5 aces in most decks I play
From the PCGS Registry:
United States - Philippines (USPI) Half Centavo, Circulation Strikes (1903-1904)
“This is clearly the shortest series of U.S. coins and the fewest required in the entire registry – a mere 2 coins, both struck at the Philadelphia mint. Worth 1/4th of a penny at face value, it was a wonder of miniaturization for its time and America’s smallest denomination. Despite all the distinction, the coins fell out of favor with the public, prompting the series’ end after only 2 years.
Neither date is particularly hard, but finding both of them in gem condition (and especially in the original cherry red) is no cakewalk and a great way to get your feet wet in the US-Philippines series.”
I was dealt KQ Hearts...He had AA
Flop was A-10 both Hearts and Q Spades - Turn was J Hearts - River was his 4th Ace
So his hand was AAAA / Q high and Mine was Royal Flush
Pretty simple and a huge pot win
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Here is your round tuit!

A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I only need 1104 coins to complete my registry set. I have completed over 300 coins currently.
Eight reales first republic 1824 -1897.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.