Check out this counterfeit 1965 quarter I rescued from a Coinstar reject tray

I haven't seen much in the reject trays lately, but last weekend I scored a silver dime, a few corroded zincolns, a 2032 watch battery, and this coin. It weighs only 3.9g, shows no copper on the rim, and the reeding is quite crude.
I found a couple of old threads about counterfeits made by GIs in Vietnam in this time period, does anyone know if this could be one of those?
I've been collecting contemporary counterfeits for the last year or so, but I never thought I'd pull one from circulation.
Sean Reynolds
Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
I like it. Excellent find. I once had a 1960 Roosevelt that was a contemporary counterfeit.
This is my 65 GW XF45.
Why would anyone slab a clad 1965 XF45 quarter? The coin is worth, at most, 50 cents.
I used to ask questions like that! No more though!
Good question, with lots of possible correct answers. But do any of them make sense to us?
Probably not. But it DID make sense to someone when submitting, and I very much hope they found what they were looking for.
I think the bigger question is ‘why would anyone bother to counterfeit a 1965 clad quarter?
Cool counterfeit by the way!
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
At least they didn't pay for a Trueview photo. I'd hate to be the coin dealer that has to break the news to them what their slabbed coin is worth.
Yes! Who in the world would pay to have a worthless clad quarter TrueViewed?!
Not mine, but another neat example:
The XF45 was an oopsie at the time. I added it to one of my submissions last year. It has grown on me learning about lowball collecting. Would not be interested in the 1979 GW with TrueView tho. It is Genuine/Details. I would buy the 1969 VF35 to add to my Lowball Quarter collection.
I can think of few better places for the old saying.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” than its application to the above coins- even the counterfeit.
Overall. It applies to much of our collection tastes and diversity.
And, cool that the question of the circumstances in grading the common quarter was answered! Thank you. :-)
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
Nice one!
Interesting find in a coinstar. I have found foreign coins, washers and buttons... Never a counterfeit coin. Cheers, RickO
The most obvious reason to slab these circulated quarters seems to be to claim that you have the sole example graded (in that particular grade).
"Genuine/Details" coins unacceptable? I'm glad to see that you have some standards. For a minute there, I thought this was all craziness. But why XF? Why not G?
I get out of bed and the first thing I read is some Governor making the most ignorant statement I've heard in years. Then I read this gem and now I'm fully awake. Thanks for the laughs.
Have you considered going into politics?
As the author of many of those “Vietnam” comments, this piece does not ring any bells in my memory of pieces I saw while at Coin World in the 70’s. However, it is a lot more circulated than what we were seeing. You can say “probably made in Vietnam” and not be wrong.
If it cost you 5 cents to make a quarter, and you could do it relatively easily and create many of them, why not?
The answer is inflation. In 1965, a clad quarter was worth $2.15 in today's money (according to the official Consumer Price Index). So counterfeiting a quarter was likely worthwhile then, even if it wouldn't be now.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

I have nothing against Genuine/Details coins. I have recently given thought about starting a pre-1900 coin set with Genuine/Details labels. I would consider buying and adding any coin graded from XF down to PO01 to my collection. I still buy AU and MS graded coins. I do not care for politicians these days.
Why not just purchase crappy coins off of eBay? You can save on not having to pay for someone's fees for having them certified as crappy.
I have one, somewhere that I got back then, I don't remember the date but it was possibly about 1968.
I'll have to search for it.
BHNC #203
I too found a counterfeit clad quarter years ago. Don't know if I saved or tossed but will look when I get the safe open next.
I'm thinking it is a '65
Must have tossed it.
Neat find!