Getting a signet ring engraved, need help/advice on an image

Just got a round-shape signet ring and really don't want to get the usual script initials. I was thinking of getting the eagle/wreath from the DBSE dollar. I'm not sure if this image is sufficient to show them. Does anyone have an image of just the eagle/wreath isolated? Thanks for your input/help!
I guess if they couldn't do it as planned that you could simply buy the coin and have it made into a ring? :
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
It won’t be isolated but go through coinfacts for more photos.
Perhaps there is one there that will show details better and can be edited easily
Not sure if any of these help. They were posted long ago by Paul H. "shylock".
That will make an interesting ring...what size is the area to be engraved? That will be a consideration, since the larger it is, the better the detail. Cheers, RickO
I don't have it with me at the moment, but it's about the size of a nickel.
@pcgs69... That should be sufficient for the design... A skilled engraver would be able to make it look nice. Hope to see the finished product here. Cheers, RickO