USPS is really slowing down the delivery

I sent a Priority Small box from NJ to CA.
Not only it is late but also there is no scans at the regional distribution center.
Below are the only scans in the tracking history.
August 30, 2021
In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility.
August 26, 2021, 5:30 pm
Departed Post Office
yes, cross country is taking a long time, that is one of the reasons why i don't sell a lot anymore, usps lost their edge
My local P.O. was closed for 3-4 days two weeks ago because of staffing issues. They have a large banner outside that says " " Now hiring ".
It seems that staffing is an issue in all the businesses right now... Everywhere I go, I hear the same thing... 'We need people... have openings and no applicants.' Unbelievable. Jobs galore out there. Cheers, RickO
Just wonderful. I just sent one from NJ to CA this afternoon.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Usually, TETERBORO NJ DISTRIBUTION CENTE is my next level scanning point, but recently, both sending and receiving missed scans at that point.
Since we are venting, New Orleans regional distribution center has nearly destroyed two of my packages in the last few months… one a fully registered and the other clearly marked fragile.
It's all about what the people want...
Sorry to hear that.
BTW, "marked fragile" only has benefit, no disadvantage, right?
Mine working just fine
I’m not sure. I think it means it has to go ground but I’m not 100%. If that is the case, the disadvantage would be slower transit time.
It's all about what the people want...
I think things are getting lost due to careless delivery. Yesterday I got two pieces of mail that were addressed to other people. Luckily it was just pretty much junk mail.
Last October, I had a package that was out for delivery to my house, but never arrived. The package never showed up. The manager said that it was probably sent to the wrong address, and a dishonest person must have kept it.
Just plain carelessness in checking the addresses on the mail.
Dang! Those are cushy jobs with great benefits! Makes ya wonder.
Now is 9/2, no updates in tracking at all! I can't believe it.
Is Fed Ex still safe? Or UPS? Post Office isn’t the only option though it is probably the most convenient.
The post office is the most convenient.
Today, still no updates. 10 days, priority mail!
Hopefully the storm of the past week didn’t interfere any further. Good luck 🤓🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I have a Registered that (normally) has taken 4 days . . . now not delivered after 10. It did come from the East . . . . but was mailed 6 days before the storm . . . . . . . .
I am merely one data point . . . but 'this' one data point thinks things have slowed . . . . . . . . . . .
and this is a surprise how? come on the mail is always slow what else is new in that aspect, when i send off something i expect it to take 4 to 5 days to arrive
Aug 11th
Tracking… the curse that keeps on giving 🤓🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
This is a priority mail that was supposed to arrive on 8/30, which was printed on the receipt.
Below is the only tracking info from USPS website at this moment (6:30 PM ET 9/4). There is no regional center scan. This happened to me a couple of times recently.
I do not even know where the mail is heading. In the mail, there are several credit cards which my college freshman son is waiting for.
August 30, 2021
In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility.
August 26, 2021, 5:30 pm
Departed Post Office
August 26, 2021, 9:04 am
USPS in possession of item
I sure hope this works out. Why is it always the important one. Good luck 🤓
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
That's insanity. When I worked there from 1972 'til 2003 delaying the mail was grounds for firing someone. My, how things have changed. For the worse.
Me too, waiting on a package from NJ to NV. Shipped 9-1 and remains in Teterboro distribution center with no movement since.
Life is getting more complicated these days.
My son brought several credit cards (my authorized user cards) with him to college in CA.
When he shopped at a chain store, the chain store card did not work, Citi card did not work, Chase card did not work, when he tried to get cash from Capital One ATM, the Bank of A ATM card did not work. At the same time, my cell phone/email account were flooded with "fraudulent transaction alerts"!.............I pre-ordered the Morgan/Peace/ASE with those cards!
So, I had to call the CC companies,....., and told my son not to use those cards anymore, I would send him another group of cards. Now, I do not even know where the mail is!
"Teterboro distribution center" is my regional center. In my case, I did not see scan from there at all.
On the contrary, I've shipped two packages in the past two weeks. Both were delivered before their expected delivery date on my receipt. From the west coast, one went to the midwest and one went to the east coast.
Successful transactions with: wondercoin, Tetromibi, PerryHall, PlatinumDuck, JohnMaben/Pegasus Coin & Jewelry, CoinFlip, and coinlieutenant.
My case is just a sample, I also had another USPS issue on 8/17. So, to me, the recent experience have been pretty bad.
I sold a $900 item on ebay yesterday and the buyer asked if he could come pick it up. He said he didn't want to lose it in the mail..................and he lives 250 miles away! Well, he did come and get it. Never have seen the likes of that kind of USPO hatred!
I got a lot of local ebay buyers than come pic up stuff they buy from me, most not 250 miles, but some over a 100 miles.
I can about 100% confirm the slowed down delivery of first class is already in play. I send several packages a day, when i would get them scanned at local po, by midnight, they would be scanned at distribution incoming, and several already processed thru outgoing distribution. Now, just about every bubble mailer first class package sits a day or two before being sent to distribution, however, On priority, they have been processed like normal by midnight.
Used to be that postal jobs were coveted civil service jobs.
I still have a SFRB stuck in Memphis since May, 27. They paid the $50 insurance coverage that comes with priority mail and refunded my postage. Otherwise my service has mostly been great.
I bought a book from a seller that is 45 Miles away. He shipped on 8/30/2021. It is still not arrived yet. I also bought two medals from UK, he shipped registered mail on 8/31/2021 and I have received it already.
I bet a lot of them are crappy places to work at.
Every single business here has signs posted hiring/need help all positions and have for the last 2 months. So sad.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
More likely an Ahole employee who damages it to spite yo.
Wouldn't it be great to have just one thread where we all reported awesome performance by usps? Not.............
Have the CC company send the cards to him.
The Civil Service part of that has been gone for nearly 40 years.
If it's a book it was probably sent via media mail, which usually takes a week or two to get where it's going.
@BAJJERFAN.... No, they are NOT crappy places to work....The places I mentioned are good, well paying establishments/businesses. People are collecting money for not working - and there are people who revel in that situation. Cheers, RickO
Not knowing who they are it's hard to say. For many Amazon is a crappy place to work. My former employer has a shortage of people and not because of unemployment. They make stupid management decisions that screw up things for everyone. They trip over dollars to save pennies. They don't want to pay a lot, but they'll pay overtime for someone to finish a job that should have been done by someone else.
My brother has the same issues where he is at. Private employer. Won't pay a competitive wage. People quit in the middle of the day. Mandatory forced overtime. Has engineers and researchers doing production work AND have to agree to take the same pay that the production worker would get. Owner says that a $1 per hour would cost $240,000 yet bemoans being behind $78 million in orders.
Now our stupid Government is cutting benefits to those who really need it, but not for those who don't need it.
Nah, in order to get those jobs, you have to slave away as essentially a non-union temp first. They call it the "419 Supplemental Noncareer Workforce" and now makes up somewhere around 1/3rd of USPS employees. There is basically a cap on how many "career" employees that any one area can have and if you want one of those spots, you have to wait until they add one (rare) or somebody retires (much more common) and you can take their spot... If you're the senior noncareer employee in the area.
Not only does the pay (relatively) suck for non-career employees, he work is hard, the hours are irregular and not guaranteed, and the benefits are mediocre and expensive. Overtime is virtually non-existent, so if you don't get your job done in the allotted time (and given how lean they're running right now I'm sure it's very common) you get into trouble with management.
I looked into doing it a few years back and decided it wasn't worth the trouble of basically being abused by USPS for 4-5 years before getting a union position.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Also just want to add that the percentage of USPS's entire workforce that is noncareer has gone from ~10% in 2010 to ~30% today. This is a big reason for the overall decline in service and standards at USPS.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Perhaps you should check again. Not too long ago I saw an add stating positions started in the 70-80K per year range with benefits!
Again, union jobs. You aren't getting one of those until you run the gauntlet of being a noncareer employee for an extended period of time. They are basically bait and switching people by waving that great job in front of their faces, then pushing them into the noncareer position pathway. You can't even be considered for a union position for at least a year!
Do you really think you could walk in the door making $70k a year? Thats more than college grads get right out of the gate.
OIG found noncareer position turnover was 42% annualized in 2016. Can't state it enough... Those jobs SUCK.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
No-you don't walk into the place making 70 grand a year. It's as DelawatreDoons elaborates. It was that way 50 years ago when I hired in-you were part time until you made regular after a couple of years. Back then the pay was 8 grand a year for full timers. The rubber shops in Akron were paying in excess of 10 grand. But many of those jobs went to Japan a decade later.
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware our USPS workers were union down here. I'll ask them tomorrow...or I could wade across the river and I ask my neighbor whose worked for them for longer than when I got my PO Box in 1998.
Could the USPS be false advertising? It did say starting at!
If they said that then it's false advertising. Did you see a small asterisk next to that claim? It takes many years to make that top rate.
I mean, technically if you work something like 60 hours a week at $16/hr it's $70k right?
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."