Sometimes something cool slips through the cracks!
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This is a very scarce pattern, made in the 1880’s, a few of the American silver makers made patterns similar to this. Mostly made by hand and made to look like an artifact from Ancient Rome or Greece. This example is made by Shiebler.
It came into the shop I work at today, in a pile of silver spoons and general scrap silver, I noticed it, and when my friend who owns the shop saw how much I liked it, he just gave it to me. And to be clear, I told him what it was and of the relative scarcity, he wouldn’t take any money for it. Super cool day today!
They call it Etruscan or Medallion. Google that and you’ll see some really cool examples.
And the monograms of the period are works of art in and of themselves!
I didn’t mention it, but it’s a butter spreader, sterling blade
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Wow, that’s a really cool looking pattern. The ladyhead on it alone is worth the price of admission, but the “chiseled from stone” texture is just as neat.
I figured you’d like this one!
Also this one Rob:
Gorham’s Medallion pattern.
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Wow really neat! Got to dig through my LCS's sterling bin sometime again.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
PS- your boss is a generous fella. I know this firsthand, having dealt with him for 29 years.
Don’t make ‘em like they used to, that’s fer sure.
Thats true, Rob!
@Kliao definitely check the silver bins! 👍
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@asheland.... Very nice... I have not seen one like the OP.... I have to get back to checking the thrift/pawn shops... been busy and neglecting them. Cheers, RickO
@ricko You never know what you may find!
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