Now this is a new collecting theme

Some people collect coins with cats (probably the longest thread on this forum), some horses, some bare chested women?
Kunker has for auction a collection of coins featuring nudity as the only central theme. Enjoy!
Some of those are pretty cool.
No thanks, I'll pass.
Many, many wonderful and rare art medals in that collection!
I agree! I hadn’t noticed the lot offerings until @Boosibri posted up. Thanks
Somehow I doubt that is a new theme
. And I wonder what it says about me that I already own a few and have now bookmarked a few. There are some lovely and interesting pieces there. And some are downright naughty.
I saw the auction. I didn't see any that had dates before 1501 A.D. It was a hard pass for me.
I was able to acquire the following brooch/medal jewel in this auction. Kuenker implied it could be a Goetz creation but had to include a "?" because they couldn't authenticate it. I on the other hand can authenticate it as evidenced by the concept pencil and ink drawing by Karl's hand that I acquired directly from the Goetz family (1 of 450).
You are the first to see this newly attributed work from Goetz' early Paris Period (1901)
Wow, fantastic addition. Congrats @cacheman
8 Reales Madness Collection
That is superb! I got a few less worthy wins. Need to photo and post. I had at least one that someone had done a nuclear bid on. I made him pay dearly for it.
Yeah, unfortunately this one didn't go for less as I had hoped either. Could have gone much higher due to my 'nuclear bid' though...