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$100 Million Exhibit of U.S. Type Coins from The Tyrant Collection to be Displayed at Chicago ANA

The never-before-seen exhibit will showcase hundreds of superb condition coins, including the famous King of Siam proof set!

For the first time ever, the public will be able to see the superb quality type set of more than 400 U.S. coins from the acclaimed Tyrant Collection (TheTyrantCollection.com) at the Chicago World's Fair of Money (WorldsFairofMoney.com), August 10-14. Ranging from 1793 to 1964, many of these historic coins are the finest known of their kind.

The centerpiece of the extraordinary exhibit will be the legendary King of Siam proof set which was originally presented in 1836 by the U.S. State Department to the King of Siam (now Thailand) as a gift on behalf of President Andrew Jackson.

The legendary set's coins range in denomination from an 1834 Classic Head copper half cent to an 1804 "Plain 4" Heraldic Eagle gold $10. A renowned Class I 1804 Draped Bust silver dollar graded PCGS PR67 is also included.

"The entire, incomparable exhibit, entitled 'U.S. Type Coins from The Tyrant Collection,' is insured for $100 million," said Ira Goldberg, CEO of Goldberg Coins and Collectibles, Inc. in Los Angeles, California. He is among those who have assisted the coins' owner in building the collection of U.S. world and ancient coins that is often described as the world's most valuable rare coin collection in private hands.

Among the many highlights of the "U.S. Type Coins from the Tyrant Collection" exhibit at the 2021 Chicago World's Fair of Money will be this 1793 Flowing Hair "Chain AMERI" large cent, graded PCGS SP65.

"The display will cover all U.S. types and sub-types, circulation strikes and proofs, from 1793 Liberty Cap half cents through the 1907 Saint-Gaudens Ultra High Relief $20 and everything in between to 1964. This undoubtedly will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see all these historic coins together," explained Goldberg.

Although The Tyrant Collection owner wants to remain anonymous, he has been displaying portions of his ancient, world and U.S. coins for their educational value, one segment at a time, in a continuing series of themed exhibits that began in 2018 in California. Those exhibitions were suspended in early 2020 until now because of the pandemic.

In addition to the King of Siam set, a few of the many other highlights of the exhibit include:
1793 S-1 Flowing Hair "Chain AMERI" large cent, graded PCGS SP65;
1796 JR-1 Draped Bust, Small Eagle dime, PCGS SP67 CAC ex. Simpson Collection;
1797 O-101a Draped Bust, Small Eagle half dollar, PCGS MS66 CAC ex. Pogue Collection;
1795 Draped Bust, Small Eagle dollar, PCGS SP66, ex. Garrett, Hayes and Pogue Collections;
1796 BD-2 Draped Bust, No Star quarter eagle, PCGS MS65 ex. Jung Collection; and
1907 Ultra High Relief double eagle, PCGS PR68, ex. Augustus Saint-Gaudens estate.
Special display cases with LED lighting were constructed for The Tyrant Collection exhibits, and each coin's obverse and reverse is shown with enlarged, color photographs for easy viewing. Detailed catalogs with information and superb illustrations about each coin in the exhibit will be available at the convention.


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A truly amazing collection of coins... Both in rarity and quality. It represents a significant fortune in value. I wonder if the owner ever sits with these coins (or some of them) and admires them just like many other collectors. Cheers, RickO

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,095 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this exhibit. I wonder how big of a block of time I should schedule for it.

  • pcgscacgoldpcgscacgold Posts: 2,943 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was glad to see the exhibit is right by the 5 dealers I plan to visit at the show. Looking forward to seeing these coins.

  • goldengolden Posts: 9,859 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I will set aside some time to view the collection.

  • SeatedTonersSeatedToners Posts: 392 ✭✭✭✭

    I would love to see the 1804 proof set inside the original velvet case and not in slabs. that would be a really impressive crack out.

  • @SeatedToners said:
    I would love to see the 1804 proof set inside the original velvet case and not in slabs. that would be a really impressive crack out.

    Yes, it will be displayed with the original case and the log -- which indicated the diplomat's journey to deliver this gift

  • @golden said:
    I will set aside some time to view the collection.

    Please! Welcome!

  • @pcgscacgold said:
    I was glad to see the exhibit is right by the 5 dealers I plan to visit at the show. Looking forward to seeing these coins.


  • @ricko said:
    A truly amazing collection of coins... Both in rarity and quality. It represents a significant fortune in value. I wonder if the owner ever sits with these coins (or some of them) and admires them just like many other collectors. Cheers, RickO

    Hi RickO, thank you for the comment. Yes, he does admire and enjoy his coins as we all do! Many of his six/seven figure coins are housed in those albums with plastic pocket pages, each pocket fits a slab. These are the albums you get from a coin store for $25 with 5 free pages, $0.75 for each additional page, and look quite amateurish... I actually once did ask why he didn't put his coins in double row boxes, or even those presentation boxes. He said that this is the only way that you still can see your coins easily. Since then I realize that he probably often sits there to go through his collection page by page, look at one coin after another, just like we collectors all do.

  • @messydesk said:
    I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this exhibit. I wonder how big of a block of time I should schedule for it.

    Hi John, there will over 400 coins on the floor, not including the King of Siam Set. So that if you want to read every description, it might take quite some time.

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