1961 D Ben Frank Error
Posts: 5 ✭
I have had this for a while and no body can really tell me what this is. I have spent hours online trying to look it up and have found nothing. There is a 1961 proof coin that is similar to mine but mine is Denver mint and not proof. Photos-> .
Whats its worth??
Sorry, but it's mechanical doubling (also called strike doubling) and adds no value to the coin. It's worth melt value.
For a good explanation click on the "worthless doubling" tab on www.doubleddie.com
Machine doubling and worth whatever it's worth without it.
Probably just MD - Also called Machine Jump Doubling. Doesn't look like Die Deterioration. No premium.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The doubling is flat, hence, machine doubling.
What they said.
Classic machine doubling. And of no consequence.
go to that coinflation site
Machine doubling and in this condition valued only for it's silver content.
Machine doubling... You have posted a few coins with machine doubling. I suggest you look up the difference between machine doubling and true doubled die strikes.... It is easy to tell the difference once you understand the it. Cheers, RickO
I would suggest you go here http://doubleddie.com/ to learn the difference between the good kind of doubling-hub doubling-and doubling that has no premium-machine doubling. CONECA https://conecaonline.org/ also has a tutorial. Once the "light" comes on you'll have no trouble on distinguishing the difference.