Lebron James shoves fan

in Sports Talk
Lebron James was at an Usher concert and a fan approached him for a photo and Lebron shoved him away. Social media is roasting him for the incident, here is the video.
gotta go w lebrons side here. first off, this was at a show. not on the nba sidelines, locker room route or facilities. from my pretty well versed experience with music venues and layouts, where this is, its poorly set up or secure. looks like he’s ducking back side stage. security, esp w lebron entering, should have been ramped up. usually there is radio contact 10 mins before for staff to be prepared and a path cleared. next, its lacking the two sets of barricades to protect both the stage and security staff. then the other one that provides a walkway for patrons to go piss and grab drinks. finally, usually there are only two dedicated spots to go back and forth from backstage out into the venue seating area. extra security is always stationed at these points. here not so much, if at all really.
as for the push, people have “fun” at concerts. go there to relax. lebron too. from the clip, looks like fan-dude was having a lot of fun. he was obviously excited to see him and looks like he basically bum rushed him outta lebrons peripheral. if i was with my wife and caught that outta the corner of my eye, in a darkened room w loud music, my first instinct w very little time to react would been the exact same.
definitely a snowflake culture. dude got pushed by lebron. he’ll prolly never wash that shirt.
and here uncle pennybags found a way to actually make me defend this guy. its on now, for sure. 😉
eta: usually there are dedicated spots for celebs and vips to sit in w/o even having to deal with this. usually sidestage left or in front of the soundboard. overall, looks like a poorly laid out venue prolly suffering issues w staffing, like a lot of bar/restaurant/entertainment venues out there due to covid.
Not much of a shove - almost looked like James was stopping the guy from falling over!
Wonder why they stopped the little chubby gal from going back stage with them??
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
@blurryface I had the the same thoughts as you about the poor setup, but my opinion on the shove is not the same. I saw it as unnecessary. Yes, to be technical, we could say he is defending his space and his wife. We could say that he might be scared for their lives and think that the person is rushing towards him with bad intentions. But the reality is that LeBron knows that is not happening, and really just chose to swat the guy away like a fly. Yes, he is there t enjoy himself. But if he had done nothing and not pushed the fan away, the outcome would have been that the fan just stopped right there and watched LeBron walk away. He was rushing to get close, nt to bump into him or hurt him.
Edited to add: I watched the video several times yesterday, an that is how I came to my conclusions. But I am interested in hearing everyone else's takes.
Second edit to add: In my pinion, it is clear that there would have been no physical contact if LeBron had chosen not to push him. The fan was never going to touch or get too close to LeBron.
I heard about it but didn’t see the video until just now. People jump in mosh pits on purpose at concerts. LeBron is fine in this situation. Dude probably hit others harder on his way to trying to get his pic. It’s OK to keep strangers at arm’s length.
from the limited view above, the guy had his camera phone rolling and is moving rather wuickly into the frame it looks like. theres no telling how long he had been running w them. my thoughts are quite a long way to have gone past the point of annoying. it also seems like he sees his opportunity shortening w the stage approaching and went in for the close up. if you look at it, security already had their eyes on the guy. one guy w the black watch grabs him from behind by the neck, the other guy in the dark suit masks looks like he has to run in and catch up now that fanboi is moving in.
and who knows, this dude could be the reason bronny was fed up & wanted to get outta the crowd and go back behind the scenes in the first place.
ive seen many of over intoxicated folks try this or simply not watching where they are walking and spill beers on to innocent bystanders, cause folks to fall down rows of seats and even one dude at philips arena get drunkenly bumped into which pushed him from club level 1 down to the floor because of this same type situation. guy lived by the way, didnt even break a bone in his body nor anyone he landed on. still in awe on that one. but, i can assure you, in a dark place, loud music, unsure footing and walking w my wife (whos usually in high heels on beer/drink soaked floors) and you come in hot, accident or not, youll get stiffed armed by me as well. our safety is my main priority. not encroaching drunk guy. accidentally or not.
anyways, without seeing or knowing more, the only one i have an issue w is the venue management and its set up. if it was set up properly and/or staffed adequately, this never woulda been an issue.
Carefully watch the video. Freeze it. Frame by frame. It was clearly an unprovoked assault.
Tell me the last time you or anyone you know felt threatened by a person half your size, standing 2-3 feet away, with their hands in the air, and holding a paper cup? And you are surrounded by your private security detail? LeBron clearly made a move on the little guy. Hey, Hands Up Don't Shove.
no, im good. watched it enough. but unprovoked assault? 😂😂😂😂
threatened? never. swat flys off me? a couple of times. last tally of shows was 509 though. that was a couple of years ago.
Everyone’s actions are under a microscope these days. I’m LeBrons biggest critic but I’m taking a flyer on this. Nothing to see here.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
This is all starting to remind me of a certain former USC running back. He had his defenders too.
welp, there goes the rest of the credibility. 😉
That little guy should have done a "LeBron Flop" At least then he might have got to shoot a free throw.
I'm disappointed in Lebron and that fan, they could have entertained us a little more.
…and totally redeem yourself!
now that is funny! i woulda bought fanboi drinks the rest of the night had i seen that happen!
Now finish him off, show him your stinky disgusting socks!
Dark, loud and confusing with the crowd. I think Lebron was within his rights, it’s not like he swatted the guys phone out of his hand or hurt the guy. I don’t like Lebron but I’m not jumping on him for this although he has to expect this at large venues he appears at.
After watching this (quite) a few times I give LeBoob some credit (a raredom), he was with his wife, and just a "nudge" to stop the progress of the little guy - at least he didn't go SHAQ on him
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
No way man, I want to see some action, like the time Kane choke slammed Pete Rose.
And then Rikishi gave Pete Rose a POP TART!
Ugh... That one nearly made me sick - Todd
Too much publicity on Westbrook lately. Lebron had to get in the news. LOL.
Maybe there is an article that goes into more depth, but this guy already had his phone up to take a pic. Maybe this guy had been bugging LeBron for the past 5-10 minutes and LeBron finally put a hand out as a last gesture? This looks like one of those situations where LeBron has no chance of coming out the good guy. If he stops for this guy, then he upsets the next one when he says no.
There might be more to the situation but it wouldn't surprise me if the shove was unsolicited. Mr. Overrated can't be bothered with the little people unless it's a staged photo op. There was security there so I'm not buying the protecting-the-wife bs.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012