64+ with a bean or 65 without. Clean obv fields, Marks on the lady's leg might get by; the apparent scuff on the sun and the two longer (non-lustre breaking) marks on the bird's belly, not so much
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@CharlotteDude said:
Yours is a nice looking coin. Tomaszka was just peddling '14-S DEs in MS-64 for $3575 earlier today on one of the cable networks... unfortunate.
I'll sell him mine for $2500. That'll give him a nice profit.
DPOTD-3 'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
Are you certain those are the same coin?
That's an amazingly optimistic TV of a cleaned coin that seems miraculously to have retained the granular texture often see on the date and, even more happily, some lovely original color.
Based on the corrected(?) image and slab grade, I would like to downgrade my appraisal of the coin from 64+ to $1875 worth of pretty crap. If it's actually as bright as in the slab picture, make that $1865
GIGO - Based on two crappy images, any comments I've made on the thread should also be considered crap.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
FWIW, I've had several Saints I've sent in that got a "cleaned" designation that graded 64 on a second submission.
Went to a coin show last week and showed it to a dealer. He didn't think it was cleaned and suggested NGC. Not sure if it's worth the $50+ it'll cost to send in.
DPOTD-3 'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
FWIW, I've had several Saints I've sent in that got a "cleaned" designation that graded 64 on a second submission.
Went to a coin show last week and showed it to a dealer. He didn't think it was cleaned and suggested NGC. Not sure if it's worth the $50+ it'll cost to send in.
The smart thing to do monetarily is usually to hold off on sending it back in if you're going to keep the coin. But I like to prove the point that I don't think it's cleaned, if only to myself, so I usually send mine back in if I think the grading service got it wrong.
Super nice giveaway!
Please enter my name in the drawing.
ME TOO !! Me too !!
I am in too.
That’s a really nice coin 🌞
They seem to be kinda easy on the 14-S for some reason.
I'd give it a MS63+
My Saint Set
Here’s mine in a PCGS 64 holder.
64+ with a bean or 65 without. Clean obv fields, Marks on the lady's leg might get by; the apparent scuff on the sun and the two longer (non-lustre breaking) marks on the bird's belly, not so much
@ajaan did you get that from Michael?
My YouTube Channel
We’ve had a few sweet saints come through lately.
I got this one from him a few weeks ago:
My YouTube Channel
Nope. Got a 1927 from him.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Yours is a nice looking coin. Tomaszka was just peddling '14-S DEs in MS-64 for $3575 earlier today on one of the cable networks... unfortunate.
I'll sell him mine for $2500. That'll give him a nice profit.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
That 14-S is a nice looking coin.
Thanks, I'll post an image of the slab tonight.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
The images in my original post are cropped TrueView images. Here is my image of the slab:
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Nice gold!
That sounds right. I thought he sent one of them to you. 👍
My YouTube Channel
I was thinking of getting the 1907 MS65 but Kelly put an end to that very quickly.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
I don’t care if it’s cleaned. I WIN. I’ll pm you my address.
That 65 was sweet. It actually sold yesterday.
I almost got it myself.
My YouTube Channel
Are you certain those are the same coin?
That's an amazingly optimistic TV of a cleaned coin that seems miraculously to have retained the granular texture often see on the date and, even more happily, some lovely original color.
Based on the corrected(?) image and slab grade, I would like to downgrade my appraisal of the coin from 64+ to $1875 worth of pretty crap. If it's actually as bright as in the slab picture, make that $1865
GIGO - Based on two crappy images, any comments I've made on the thread should also be considered crap.
@asheland.... That 1908 has some impressive luster.... very nice gold coin. Cheers, RickO
An 08-Motto in MS64 is $5500 & a + will get you $7250
I'd be tempted to send that one back for a recon. since it has a bean.
My Saint Set
Thanks! I'm happy with it as my type coin for the Saints...
My YouTube Channel
From my research, it's a scarce coin in this grade, and 65's are even tougher.
My YouTube Channel
I still like the 14-S.
FWIW, I've had several Saints I've sent in that got a "cleaned" designation that graded 64 on a second submission.
Went to a coin show last week and showed it to a dealer. He didn't think it was cleaned and suggested NGC. Not sure if it's worth the $50+ it'll cost to send in.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
The smart thing to do monetarily is usually to hold off on sending it back in if you're going to keep the coin. But I like to prove the point that I don't think it's cleaned, if only to myself, so I usually send mine back in if I think the grading service got it wrong.
Nice 1908. Here is one from my set.
Indian Head $10 Gold Date Set Album