If you had to get rid of one of the four major sports?

in Sports Talk
If you were forced to choose one of the four major sports to get rid of forever, which one would you choose to do away with for good, baseball, hockey, football, or basketball?
This is a difficult decision for me, one thing I do know, I would be devastated if football didn't exist, almost as devastated as when I found out my dog tried to buy beer with a fake ID.
Interesting question.
It wasn't interesting at the time, he's a very bad dog, nowadays he just sniffs glue.
Get rid of the NBA and NFL
Keep MLB and the NHL
NBA gone forever.
Steve I thought you were a football guy? I swear you used to post to my Vintage Football thread in Sports card talk back in the day..
I’d make the baseball players battle it out with the hockey players and whoever doesn’t come out on top shall have their sport banished forever.
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You are an *****.....and I thank you! 😵
P.S. I had to edit. Because I know you're fragile.
NBA for me. No question about it.
No contest. Baseball. If I never watched another game I'd be a ok
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Yes, I was always a huge football fan; but since the Chargers moved to Los Angeles, and all the other stuff going on with the players and their protests, I've basically had it with the entire league.
Can't stop laughing, TOO funny!
You can have them back. We aren't using them
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The only Pro sports out of the four worth having is Hockey.
Since I can only choose one to be gone, it would be NBA.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Hockey can go. Love it live, but of the four, it gets the door.
I'll have you know that I have many friends in the canine world, some of them sniff glue, and some are gentlemen!
Ok, I've thought about the OP's question and I've decided that instead of getting rid of them, I would just turn them all into football leagues and football would be year round and football would rule the world forever!
Ok I respect that. I feel the same way but refuse to let them win and destroy what I like. I just got extra batteries for the remote, Pause and FF is in play a lot! 🍻🇺🇸
Haven't watched NBA since Dream Teams 1 & 2. How could you get better than that?
Haven't watched MLB since Alomar spit in the umps face.
Watched the 1980 USA Hockey Team but living in the deep south I don't watch much hockey.
But if I had to pick one of four it would be MLB.
Ok, I've thought about the OP's question
you ARE the OP, but I understand the confusion. maybe if you didn't reply so much to your own threads you could remember that.
The easier, much easIer, question is which one I'd keep. The NFL.
Get rid of? The easy answer would always have been hockey. But I almost lean towards basketball, which used to be my second favorite.
guess ill go w nba since we typically get rid of each sport at least once a year!
NBA Gone! - McDonald's is always hiring so they wouldn't be out of work for very long........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Bye Bye NBA, I do not think too many people would be upset
NBA for me. At least Hockey is entertaining occasionally. Gone are the days of Jordan, Magic, Bird, Kareem, Isiah... now it's run-gun-run-gun and no artistry whatsoever. High end college ball isn't far behind.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
I'd get rid of the NBA if we can keep NCAA for hoops.
I would have said the same 5 years ago but now that I watch hockey I love it. Truly exciting, fast moving and things can change fast in terms of who is winning or losing. Then sudden death overtime... especially in the playoffs can be gut wrenching like no other. Not sure if you have watched much hockey but, if you haven't, I encourage you to do so.
Not for me. Too difficult to follow the puck. the dump and chase is boring. JMO