Greatest offensive line ever?

in Sports Talk
In your opinion, which offensive line was the best ever, year and team?
In your opinion, which offensive line was the best ever, year and team?
The above photo is just for looks, I do not think that is the best offensive line of all time!
Few to consider, mainly because of their names.
The electric company (for OJ Juice Simpson)
The Hogs (Redskins),
DD your photo above is accurate to the question in my opinion. I will take the Cowboys O-lines from the early to mid 90's anchored by Mark Stepnoski at center. This group was big, versatile, and just downright mean! They paved the way for Emmitt for years and kept Troy upright in leading them to 3 rings.
The Broncos in the Terrell Davis, Olandis Gary, Mike Anderson, Clinton Portis era was pretty nasty
1963 Cleveland Browns, but most fans have never even heard of these guys. Dick Schafrath was a beast and Gene Hickerson might be the best pulling guard ever. whenever the Browns "ran right" those two guys led the charge and opened some holes.
LT Dick Schafrath.
LG John Wooten.
C John Morrow.
RG Gene Hickerson.
RT John Brown.
Very interesting selections here, I remember all if those great Cowboys 1990s offensive lines, and the Broncos as well, and the Browns were great also. The 70s Steelers had some pretty good lines led by Mike Webster I think.
This guy was a beast!
1975 St. Louis Cardinals.
Jim Hart's rushing record was set his rookie season with 36; in 1975 he rushed for 7. To say he was "not mobile" is a grand understatement. Through 1974, Hart was sacked 94 times in 66 games (57 as the starter); roughly average. In 1975, starting all 14 games, he was sacked 6 times. 6! And Jim Otis, in his sixth season of a career in which he accomplished approximately nothing in the first five, rushed for over 1,000 yards. Both the number of sacks and the sack percentage were records at the time. They may have since been broken by more agile and/or much better QBs, but that's not the point. Jim Hart wasn't agile at all, and he also wasn't very good. He should not have ever had a record of any kind, but he did (does?) because the offensive line in front of him (Roger Finnie, Bob Young, Tom Banks, Conrad Dobler, and Dan Dierdorf) were simply awesome.
I had the pleasure of going to Larry Allen's private party the evening of his HOF induction and Stepnoski was there. I met him. Nice guy. He was stick skinny hippy though! Did not look like a former football player at all! Maybe he weighed 150!?
And all this time I thought you were Larry Allen. Bummer man
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The Raiders had one heck of an offensive line with "Highway 63" Gene Upshaw and Art Shell.
Raiders 1971
Jim Otto HOF
Gene Upshaw HOF
Art Shell HOF
Bob Brown HOF
George Buehler
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I saw Larry on tv a couple years ago and I concur with what you saw, I didn't realize it was him at first due to the massive weight loss.
A bit before my time but didn't Lombardi have some terrific o-lines with the Pack that Hornung ran behind that power sweep option? Sounded like that power sweep was pretty innovative at the time.
I went to college with Bob Young's son
heard many a great story
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Ron Mix was on that team also. At times the Raiders had five future HOF in their starting offensive line.
LT: Bob Skoronski
LG: Fuzzy Thurston
C: Jim Ringo - HOF
RG: Jerry Kramer - HOF
RT: Forrest Gregg - HOF
in light of todays recent events, ill have to go w this masterpiece posted by our own double d!
It's him, it's him, nooooooooooo!