Is there flipping interest in the AGE this week

I’m sure there are a ton of posts and some astute member will find it necessary to tell me but what you didn’t count on is I’m to lazy to look. Let me have it.
I’m sure there are a ton of posts and some astute member will find it necessary to tell me but what you didn’t count on is I’m to lazy to look. Let me have it.
I believe you are first, so change your title to include "Official".
All 2021 American Eagles have thus far shown flipping interest. The quick sell outs are the indicator.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I don’t want to be the Official I can’t take the pressure.
There is another thread.
These are not a great flip. The Type 1 coins are already down to issue price except the 4 pc.
I have retailed a few at my usual cost plus.
Some of us have no "flipping" interest in AGE this week or any other week.
I might be interested around melt but that’s it. Haven’t bought hardly any USM issues in ages. Once people get burned…,.Sell them quick b4 aftermarket kicks in.
A "Designer Edition" label will make them flippable.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The brutal premiums keep me away.
So if you want to flip, you best get out before all others decide to do the same.
Would imagine no.
At most, it's a CC points opportunity, that has been cracked down upon by Amex and JPM Chase
I have not noticed any activity... Which surprised me. Thought there would be an active flip market... maybe yet to come when the dust settles, since there are so many new offerings. Cheers, RickO