1923 Silver Dime?
Posts: 9 ✭
Best Answer
Dave99B Posts: 8,550 ✭✭✭✭✭
$1.75 - $1.80
Always looking for original, better date VF20-VF35 Barber quarters and halves, and a quality beer.2
About $2.00 based on silver content.
You can look up the price in the PCGS Price Guide:
👉 https://www.pcgs.com/prices/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkuOn89mg1gIVBaZpCh3PTw92EAAYASABEgIYRPD_BwE
Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal
"Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
silver melt
BHNC #203
Agree with melt value. Heavy wear and nasty scratches/gouges on the obverse kill much of the value beyond silver.
Melt value. It's a common date in low grade and it's damaged.
Now if there was a little bitty D on the reverse...
No more than melt silver value as noted above...it is a worn and damaged (PMD) coin. Cheers, RickO