Different sport. Different color. Same last name.

in Sports Talk
Ted Williams. (Red Sox)
Ricky Williams. ( Dolphins)
Mercury Morris. (Dolphins)
Jack Morris. (Tigers)
Major Oglivie. (Alabama fullback late 70s)
Ben Oglivie. (Brewers)
Bryce Harper (Phillies)
Ron Harper ( Bulls)
Oscar Robertson (Bucks)
Bob Robertson 1B. Pirates
Reggie Smith. (Dodgers)
Alex Smith. ( QB)
Magic Johnson (Lakers)
Randy Johnson. (Mariners)
Ken Riley (Bengals defensive back who should be in the HOF)
Austin Riley (Braves 3rd baseman)
Kordell Stewart. (Steelers)
Payne Stewart. (Golf)
Randy White. (Cowboys)
Jo Jo White. (Celtics)
Interesting fact I read some years ago. There are more black people with the last name of White than there are white people with the last name of Black.
Isaiah Thomas Pistons
Joe Thomas Browns
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sammy Sosa
Sammy Sosa
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Jim Brown (Browns)
Kevin Brown (MLB pitcher with various teams)
Babe Ruth-The Yankees
Dr. Ruth-The Sex Pistols
(and different gender)
bernard king
billie jean king
Johnny Robinson (Football)
Jackie, Frank, Brooks Robinson (Baseball)
Sugar Ray Robinson (Boxing)
David Robinson (Basketball)
Larry Robinson (Hockey)
Arnie Robinson (Track & Field)
Rusty Wallace - NASCAR
Ben Wallace - Basketball
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
few more obscure robinsons:
shawna robinson (nascar)
ollie robinson (cricket)
billy robinson (wwf)
WWF wrestling is not a sport. It is scripted entertainment. There is nothing sport about it.
It would be like two NFL teams scripting each play before a game and sticking to that script with the winner decided beforehand.
Pro wrestling may be scripted but they seem to be underrated as athletes. Can you imagine how talented and athletic you would have to be to smash and throw opponents and do all types of nasty stuff without seriously hurting anyone.
They are very underrated as athletes. I have a cousin who back in the early 90's worked for the then WWF under the ring name "Apollo Athens", he was what they refer to as a "jobber" or "ham and egger". He was used for 99% house shows. He made one tv appearance as part of a tag team that got "anihilated" by the team of Greg "the hammer" Valentine and Jim "the anvil" Neidhardt. He's been out of the business for years now but it's such a tough lifestyle he's told me. They are on the road away from family most of the year. From what insight he has given me there's alot of rehearsal ahead of time with your "opponents" working on being in sync when doing all the various moves as to not get anyone injured which unfortunately happens from time to time. These guys work hard at what they do and it's extremely physically demanding. I disagree with anyone who says these guys and gals aren't athletes. The majority of them come from a "traditional" athletic background.
debatable i guess. strong arguments for each side and neither will sway the other side regardless of what's said.
i think of it like this... is golf a sport? technically it's a game. and while several people may be in the same field, technically you're competing against the course. its "par for the course", not "par for the field". golf also doesn't require much athleticism. and i've been playing golf since age 5. in all that time i've never heard one spectator say "man, look at that john daly. what an athlete!!!". the pga even has designated holes where the tv cameras aren't located so players can smoke. in the middle of the match. it's pretty obvious that wrestlers are in way better shape than every golfer, bowler and probably 50% of baseball players. and yes wrestling is scripted, but so is jai alai.