2020 PCGS Set Registry Plaque

A couple of months ago I received my 2020 Set Registry plaque. When I received it via the USPS it was damaged. I contacted PCGS and asked if they could send a replacement plaque. I received a new plaque today via USPS. It was packed super secure and was in perfect condition. PCGS is the greatest!
can you post pic?
The plaque are really nice. I have one from 2008 for best exhibited set.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
The last plaque I received was in 2018. If I get one this year, I will post a picture.
Here is one of mine:

that is very nice
The 2020 plaque is the nicest by far to date IMHO. They have always been nice but they seem to improve every year or two. The wood finish is much nicer and the engraving is also nicer.
@GRANDAM So that's what they look like. Nice. I'm due one for 2021 Peru Dinero Basic Set, Circulation Strikes (1893-1916). When does PCGS send them?
The Plaques are for "Gold Award Winners" I was e-mailed about my 2021 Award for this same set in early August
This is different than Awards for the #1 sets in each Registry Set category. Those get paper certificates and are called "The Best of the Registry Awards" and you have to e-mail them and request them to get the paper certs.
Everything is behind this year due to Covid-19
Here is a link to this set:
As you can see 2020 & 2021 have a Gold Icon and they get a Plaque. 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 have Blue Icon's and they got the Paper Certificates for "Best of the Registry Award"
I am not sure if I have received my 2021 Plaque or my 2021 certificates yet,,,,,,,,, I will have to check and find out.
Here is what I received at the Chicago ANA:

So richly deserved to those that receive these awards.
Kennedys are my quest...