NEWPS 1694 Passau and 1650 Salzburg Talers

Here are some recent auction wins that arrived recently - and I am very excited to have both in hand!
The Passau coin ticked off a number of boxes for me:
- Big European/German coin from the 1600s
- Original toning and peripheral color. In hand the surfaces are very clean.
- Interesting iconography (not just a big haired ruler) - here is St. Stephen with a martyr's palm and the stones that killed him.
- I got married in Passau (my wife is German)!
It's raw, described as "Herrliche Patina, min. Schrötlingsfehler am Rand, vorzüglich +". The planchet flaw at the edge doesn't bother me.
Auction images:
In hand:
I also have to give kudos to the Kunker Auction House. I asked for a video of the coin, which they promptly provided. Shipping from Germany was modest in cost, via FedEx, and VERY fast.
It looks great with my recent Salzburg win (which I don't think I posted here, yet) from StacksBowers. I know these are much more common, and I am still bummed that I missed out on an ex @Zohar one a few months ago. But the colorful patina on this one is outstanding! It's graded MS62.
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@Bob13 - Both are outstanding additions! The Passau taler was on my short list to watch in the Kuenker auction. If I had not aggressively pursued 2 earlier lots, you might have had another bidder to contend with on the Passau. I agree that the planchet flaw does not detract from the piece in the least.
Very cool coins (especially Passau). Thank you for sharing.
@worldcoinguy - though I was willing to go higher on the Passau Taler, glad you focused and got something else you wanted! Care to share?
I was also looking at a Lubeck Taler, too, but no joy on that lot.
Hoping @EVillageProwler, @zohar and others might comment - haven't seen them in a while. Summer doldrums I guess.
My current "Box of 20"
The Kuenker auction was on my radar due to the large number of quality bishopric lots in Bamberg, Eichstatt, Fulda, Lubeck, Mainz, Passau, and Trier. I have bid on a few Kuenker auctions in recent years without any success until this one. My budget was exhausted in a 90 second stretch on back-to-back Bamberg lots 783 and 784. Both taler-sized sede vacante medals are dated 1753 and issued after the death of the Prince-Bishop of Bamberg.
@Bob13 thanks for sharing - super nice pickup. I do keep an eye on the forum posts and when Taler TLC is shown, count me in!
@worldcoinguy as commented offline, these are great additions to the core collections - congrats!
Been busy with new job and haven’t had time to look here today until now. Sorry guys.
Great Passau @Bob13. It looks superb for a mere VZ+. Nice Salz too.
Nice Bambie medals too @worldcoinguy!
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Love the Passau thaler!! Get that baby slabbed!
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Congratulations, Bob! Both coins look great together.
Thanks everyone. I had the Passau coin on my radar for a while, glad I was able to get it, and had fun opening the package to see it in hand. I am sure everyone knows the feeling!
@mkman123 - I will get the Passau taler slabbed - if nothing else for a nice TrueView pic.
@worldcoinguy - great medals! Can't decide which one I like more.
My current "Box of 20"
My recent additions
@Zohar - Had to learn what the heck was Eggenberg. A mint? A town? Had to do a little reading about it:
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