A shocking movie I watched last night

in Sports Talk
So, I watched a movie last night called "Knowing" starring Nicolas Cage, and the movie is about a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it falling into Cage's character's hands. He begins to try and figure out what the numbers are and quickly begins to realize that the numbers predict every major catastrophe that has occurred for decades. So, he realizes that the numbers on the paper eventually predict the end of the entire world, and at the end of the movie, a super flare from the sun does indeed end the world. I must admit, I was in shock when the scene played out. My question is, could a super flare really happen in real life? Here is the scene.
Here is the poster for the movie, it was a great flick.
It makes you realize, we really are at the mercy of the sun. I don't like the sun anymore after seeing this, it's a jerk!
I cannot believe you haven’t seen that Double D, that movie has been out since 2009! We might need to address your movie situation
But also our friend, if it moved too far away we would be in an ice age!
Yes, I noticed it was from 2009, I don't know how I missed it!
It's weird how we're perfectly placed in the solar system, any further away we freeze, and closer we would burn up, it's very fascinating!
I love that movie. The plane crash scene early in the movie was incredible on the big screen.
That was very shocking, it just happens out of nowhere, great special effects!
Deep Impact, comet hits earth.
I watched the movie and I was intrigued with it until the part at the end when the aliens (who escorted Cage's young son and his friend, along with other young children and animals ala a Noah's Ark 2 x 2 to an earthlike planet in another solar system to save them from the destruction of the earth) revealed themselves.
I was hoping that the mystery presented by the movie would be explained by something "new". Instead the disappointing explanation was "aliens".
Overall I liked it, except for the "aliens" showing up to save children and young animals to start afresh.
And the Aliens just left Nicolas Cage there, sorry, nope, no more room. Are you kidding me, there was enough room to stick Nicolas Cage somewhere aboard!
I mean, I think Nicolas Cage earned the right to get the heck out of there, he survived narrowly being hit by the plane when it crashed, he survived the subway derailment, he's running around like a maniac trying to save everyone, give the man a seat on the UFO!
I have never seen that movie. No use in watching it now. Thanks @doubledragon Next time let me know there will be spoilers.. 😂😂😂 j/k
Oops. I owe you one!
I didn't mind the idea of aliens or Nick getting left behind yet the ending still disappointed me. The rest of the movie is really great, the ending is a bit of a letdown.
The ending really shocked me, I thought there would be some kind of hope, something they could do, some survivors. Nope, everybody dies, the end of the world, just like that.
Here is a simulation Discovery Channel did of what would happen of a doomsday asteroid hit earth, what it would look like.
Goldilocks planet.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Maybe they saw The Wicker Man and unfortunately bought a ticket for it.
That would be reason enough.
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sorry to have to moon you guys, but we at its mercy too. any drastic changes there and itll be a wash out.
i woulda forrest gump’d him too.
“cant sit here. seats taken”
Of course some geniuses out there recently have suggested that we alter the orbit of the moon to improve various weather conditions.
Yea, like nothing could go wrong with that. 🙄
umm, thanks but no thanks!
this isnt edison and the lightbulb.
Edison tried what, a few thousand different attempts before he found the right combination.
With the moon, one mistake with the orbit change and it could be bye-bye human beings.
the really scary thing is he really didnt even invent the lightbulb.
and dd thought the sun was a jerk! 😉
How are they thinking they could do this? OMG
thinking something similar to this:
Yes, a good number of those throughout history credited with an invention, didn't really originate the idea. However they did usually perfect it into something usable.
The movie "2012" was based on Charles Hapgood's theory that the Earth's crust has shifted in the past and will shift again in the future causing cataclysmic events across the globe. Albert Einstein actually read Charles Hapgood's theories and was very intrigued by them and even wrote the foreword for Hapgood's book.
Madness, i say
sadly inventing in america has nothing to do w inventing. its simply a race to the us patent office.
When the Mrs. Dueces and I were dating we knew what are hobbies and passions were going in.
My Harley’s
R Atkinson Fox original oil paintings.
(Expensive little hobby there. And you thought sports cards were expensive)
Sports cards
Buffalo Bills Football.
The Mrs.
Luckily for me most her purchases (not all) are thrift shop, resale shops and her favorite Goodwill. She shops everyday if not on line, then in town.
Which brings me to my point and the reason of my post. She has amassed over 300 DVD’s and blue Ray movies. Of course “Knowing “ is one of them.
We also have Directv with every movie channel, Netflix and HBO Max so if it’s a movie we’ve seen it, own it and have watched it. We get on movie kicks when we just want to chill and not have to concentrate too hard. Our favorite to just zone out lately have been :
Snow White and the Huntsman
The Huntsman Winters war
Once upon a time in Hollywood
King Arthur Legend of the Sword
Robin Hood with Russell Crowe
The Count of Monte Cristo
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Well i'd say most inventors probably did it with a profit motive in mind.
Very rare that a hero like a Jonas Salk would discover the cure for polio, a frightening crippler and killer virus at the time, far worse than covid, and give it away for free.
The head of the patent office said in 1900
“Might as well close the office. Everything that can be invented has already been done”
Well he was almost right. 😉
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
most scientists today are employed by big biz or the us govt. they actually do the inventing, the corp retains all the profits/patents. 3m.
The sun has existed for about 10 billion years, and it's expected to exist for another 6 billion years, but eventually it will die and when it does, it will begin to expand and grow into a red giant and consume Earth. Here is what this event would look like, check this out, it's very shocking.
Outstanding dissertation Steve! 😂😂😂
@doubledragon So let me guess if you haven’t seen “Knowing” up until recently you might not have seen “Signs” ? It’s a pretty good movie as well
Actually I have seen that one, Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix were great together in that movie. I might have to watch it again though, I don't remember too much from it, I remember Joaquin Phoenix's character was an ex-baseball player.
Merrill, Swing away.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
to erase any doubt about exactly how bad of an actor Nicholas Cage is, watch this movie.
No sir, Nicolas Cage was great in this movie, women who watched it fell in love with him, babies were born!
I watched a shockingly terrifying movie last night. I was called Glory Stompers. 1967. Motorcycle Gang terrorizes small town carnival. Only thing missing was Bruce Dern and Nancy Sinatra.
To tell you how messed up Hollywood is Nicholas Cage won an Oscar for being a drunk. Leo DiCaprio won an Oscar for a movie he was incapacitated for 80% and Kevin Bacon has never won one. Hollywood.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
To be fair though Kevin Bacon has always played either in a borderline B movie or a supporting role
I've mentioned "Signs" before.
If you believe aliens are so technologically advanced that they can travel to Earth
from a distant galaxy but when they get here they can't break through a wooden door,
then sure this is a pretty good movie.
If you've got a louisville slugger and a couple wooden doors in your house,
just lock those aliens from 'Signs' in your kitchen and beat them with the
bat at your earliest convenience. No hurry, if you've got some errands to
run first go ahead, they'll still be locked in your kitchen when you get back.
@Darin LOL it’s a “Movie” not a documentary, I didn’t mean to get you so frustrated by recommending it to Double D
Agreed but Nicholas Cage! Come on man!
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.