Jenny's First Sports Injury

Little Hydrantette Jenny just turned 3 years old. She and I were watching game 1 of the NBA finals. She asked me, "What was that?". I told her it was a DUNK. She said, " I dunk too, Papa!". Then she climbed onto the back of the couch, jumped off, and said, "Dunk!" It didn't go good. On landing from her DUNK she bit through the inside of her mouth to her cheek. Oh, God! All the way to the hospital she kept saying, "I don't want to go to doctor." No stitches required becauce the puncture was less than 1 centimeter. Antibotics. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant is not happy. Jenny's Mom and Dad are in Colorado on vacation. They left me in charge.......BIG MISTAKE!
Kids jump off couches all the time and don't get hurt.
You had to take her to the hospital because ya never know with the bleeding, etc. But that turned out to be more of a boo-boo than an injury. Probably didn't need any antibiotics, but that's the way doctors make money.
You did nothing wrong. Kids are sometimes gonna get banged up no matter how carefully they're watched.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet nailed it! I agree with everything you say! Try telling it to grandma!.......I'm in the doghouse. If it had been one of the big deal...... That's life.
This brings back memories of my days as a kid, I was a rabble rousing little punk who got into everything conceivable. From playing with matches, to stealing, to fighting, you name it, there wasn't a sin that I didn't commit as a child. Great memories.
Grandma will eventually get over it...maybe in around 20 years. 😉
just giving you pop tarts, mr. fire hydrant..........i'm glad little hydrantette jenny exited her first super dave osborne stunt with minimal wounds
i assume she is the one in your picture...........super cute kid
i still to this day have a scar under my chin from the time i tried a swan dive off of some object when i was around her age.................i'm here to tell you that you never want to try something like that sans water
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Ok, @galaxy27 ... You got me laughing with the pop tarts line.
And I am glad to hear that Jenny Hydrantette is home and recovering!
This thread is bringing back memories, bad memories of when I was a child and I lost my favorite stuffed animal, it was a little stuffed chickadee toy animal named Chicky. I lost him one day and never did find him. Me and Chicky were close, we had grown to know eachother very well, a deep friendship developed, and one day I lost him. I remember the last place I had him was in my grandparents Cadillac. I don't know whatever happened to him, maybe Chicky was accidentally thrown away, stolen perhaps?
This post is dedicated to Chicky, I should have looked under the arm rest in the back seat, I could have done more, sorry buddy.
No Chicky, I failed you, I should have looked under the arm rest in the back seat!
Nooooooooo! Chicky!
did you look for chicky on the other side of the road?
apparently that happens quite a lot.
Chicky's was under the arm rest in the back seat, I just didn't look there, I failed him, he's gone forever!
did gramps caddy not have a transmission with the reverse feature?
or did they go out thelma & louise style?
It was a white 1980s Caddy kind of like this one, with a fold out arm rest in the middle of the back seat, sweet ride back in the 80s!
chicky shoulda stuck out like a sore thumb w that all burgundy leather interior. somethings not adding up here? are we sure this was an accident? 😉
My attorney has advised me not to comment any further!
Make sure you burn your shoes and hopefully you didn't bury him in a shallow grave. This trips up a lot of us. I mean a lot of folks
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
one final question. do they really taste like chicken?
I invoke my right to the 5th amendment!
This reminds me of a Thanksgiving long ago......Grandpa had a turkey. The turkey had a special place all to himself. Grandpa pampered that turkey and kept him very well fed. One of my cousins, a little guy about 7 years old, took a liking to that bird. He gave the turkey a name. TOM. Tom was his pet........I think you know where this is going by now........Anyway, Thanksgiving rolled around and the family gathered for the feast! During the main course, big brother says to little brother, " Hey, Do you know what you're eatin'?....It's Tom." Well.......I'll leave the rest to your imagination........
I think I just hijacked my own thread. Is that a first or what?
No hijack, it's your thread, you're allowed to discuss anything you want, bigfoot, aliens, Loch Ness monster, thanksgiving turkeys, etc.
You guys never cease to amaze me...
Keeping you on your toes is job #1
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
sheesh. you cant just go around eating every tom, dick & harry!
Thanks. I feel better now.
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant has a cousin that used to rip the heads off her Barbie dolls when she was a little girl. When he was a teenager the other kids would give him money and then send him inside McDonald's for a hamburger then they drove off and left him. But he always came back. As an adult, if you can call it that, he never seemed to find a steady job. One time when he was really drunk he got mad at me because I married his cousin. Kinda weird huh? Anyway, the next thing I know he's got me in a full Nelson and we're both struggling on the kitchen floor. It took everything I had to get him under control. He had a bad hangover the next day and he missed his flight. He lives in Sacramento.
i love these threads so much. again let's play this game. we all sit in a circle. someone starts the game by whispering to the person on his immediate left that fire hydrant's granddaughter did her best dominique wilkins human highlight reel impersonation off the couch. it goes around the horn and comes full circle back to the person on the immediate right of the aforementioned someone.
"was the secret that little hydrantette jenny's grandpa was doing his best junkyard dog impersonation while rolling around on the kitchen floor with the lovely mrs hydrant's cousin on Christmas Eve?"
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Is it o.k. to let a 3 year old drive the car? Jenny likes to drive.