Coinstar find by my wife

My wife came home from the grocery store yesterday and said she thought she had found a Fairmount of coins at the Coinstar Machine. Cash found 6 quarters, six+ dimes, three nickels, and fifteen pennies. All-clad, but good coins indeed. $2.40 total.
My swinging the coil days are over with. At age 87, lung cancer has me where I have to use oxygen24 hours per day. I am not complaining. The good Lord allowed me to do it for over twelve years and to find all the goodies I have found. This site has given me much pleasure In reading about finds folks have located. It also allowed me to post a few times as well. Good luck and best wishes to everyone as you continue the hunt.
I am at peace and wait out the days with my lovely wife who has been an angel in taking care of me. Ken
What a wonderful attitude you have. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad you were able to enjoy what has become a bit of a passion for me now. I really enjoy “the hunt” as I’m sure you did also. Best wishes for you and your wonderful wife.
@metaldetectinghound3.... Keep reading the forum and commenting... Good to have you here and you can still enjoy the hobby vicariously. Cheers, RickO