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Help with identification of 1617 (?) European coin

WorldCoinsDmitryWorldCoinsDmitry Posts: 367 ✭✭✭
edited June 29, 2021 1:55AM in World & Ancient Coins Forum

Hi guys! Sorry to trouble you, but after trying to research and identify this coin I have come up with nothing. I found similar looking coins, but nothing where the guy is holding what appears to be a flower pot. The coin is a little over 1 inch in diameter. Any clue or identification are greatly appreciated, thank you :*

Highly enthusiastic about world coins, contemporary circulating counterfeits and unusual stuff <3


  • IVBIVB Posts: 248 ✭✭✭
    edited June 29, 2021 4:24AM

    Did some research.
    I did not find any images of such coin, but I found the description very similar here http://beeld.teylersmuseum.nl/Digital_Library/Emags/CBNK_0088/page_37.html
    I think this may be some kind of imitation of Johann V Flugi von Aspermont (Bishop of Chur 1601–1627 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Flugi ) coin.

    Portrait with a scepter and a bouquet of flowers / double-headed eagle.

  • Thank you so much @IVB !! I actually collect old counterfeits and such, so this is good news. Thanks again sir :)

    Highly enthusiastic about world coins, contemporary circulating counterfeits and unusual stuff <3

  • Just wanted to add some new info I found on this (for people's future searching) - it is similar to the one found by IVB above, but legend states IOHAN BAPTIST ORDI LIN. Both are contemporary imitations from Northern Italy, and there were other similar ones from Netherlands as well.

    Highly enthusiastic about world coins, contemporary circulating counterfeits and unusual stuff <3

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