L. G. B. T. and sports

in Sports Talk
Could we see transgender MLB players soon? Any thoughts on this subject? Or Any Major Sport? Would love to have some feedback on this. I know boxing had a transgender fighter. Please be respectful! I'm hearing a minor league team is forming a transgender ball club.
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Who cares. Who cares if they’re black, white, Jewish, Christian, etc.
We pay to see athletes perform. We don’t care about too much else.
The only issue is allowing a Caitlyn Jenner type to compete with women. They male body usually has an advantage over a female body.
Like the male power lifter for the girl's team. Lol
I’m against it 100%. It has nothing to do with anything other than I think Males have an advantage, nothing more and nothing less, I truly don’t care what personal decisions an adult makes. Do I think it will happen? I think some females turned male will try out for one of the 4 major sports but will fail.
The OP is addressing two different topics. There are and there have always been lesbian, gay, and bisexual professional athletes. The t is for transgender.
And there have always been adulterers and orgy lovers too.
Why so many feel the urge to tell the rest of the world what they like to do in their bedroom is strange to me.
Transgender is a physical issue that needs to be discussed, because it can cause an unfair advantage.
Being straight or gay has only to do with what style you prefer in the privacy of your own home. Please keep it there. It has absolutely nothing to do with sports.
I'm addressing the community of T. Transgender that falls under this category as a whole.
But since you're saying I'm addressing every other..... what's your take? I didn't ask to fight.... But you commented on my intentions which were wrong. What's your opinion?
It's starting when they're kids. How would you like your daughter playing against a transgender male?
I echo what perkdog said, I don't have any problems with how an adult chooses to live their life, but a male body against a female body isn't a fair competition, the male body has the advantage every time.
And we need to talk about it. Because if we can't talk about something people are prideful about in our sports..... Why even say on tv ads, magazines, media, social venues, schools, lol the future world. If it upsets someone .... Why even promote that very same name to others that don't agree with it?
@thisistheshow is a good guy and not looking for trouble.I Just want to throw that out there, although in my opinion the post header might have been more easily read if it was specific and you posted “Transgenders in sports” rather than LGBT since that is different than just addressing a Transgender question.
My apologies. But at least he could come back and say something to me instead of commenting on what I'm not wrong about. No hard feelings... Brother!
But it can't be different if the title involves transgender. I hope you understand what I mean. If a country tells America, " we don't like you." That means the country! Black, white, purple aren't picked out. That's the group name.... L.B.G.T. and Q.
Look at the title of the post , which is "LGBT and sports". I'm not looking to fight either. I was thinking that you were conflating the two things.
Edited to add: I guess change the title to transgender in sports?
Geez! If it's that touchy of a subject that has to be picked apart, word by word..... Why even discuss it? If it's that taboo..... Why even show people a male powerlifting on a girl's weight lifting team ? A man that says he's a woman? If it hurts people that much to even whisper those words from a non L.G.B.T. member..... I feel sorry for the mindset of people who are for it. That's not pride..... That's insecurity of something you truly are supposed to believe in.
I didn't mean to come across the wrong way, I was just pointing something out. I'm sorry. Edited to add: I re-read my comment and can see how it might have been taken the wrong way. This is actually a complex issue and I was just trying to make that point before the conversation went off the rails ( meaning talking about gay athletes, etc).
I don’t follow the specifics to be honest, it’s all irrelevant to me since all I care about is if your either a good person or your not. As far as the letters you mentioned the T is the only one I’m against playing opposite sex sports. That’s all I got 🍻🇺🇸
LGBTQ is an umbrella term. LGBQ are already well integrated into sports. It is the the T that I thought you wanted to discuss. They can and should be talked about separately in this contact, in my opinion. One is sexual preference. One is gender.
No harm here. The only club I was ever in was hairclub for men..... And that was a failure lol.
I think you are taking my comments the wrong way.
I understand what you mean. I'm just ole fashioned I Guess. It's fine lol! Hope you are having a great day friend!!!👍
I'm not a bad person... I'm trying to understand this as an older sports fan. I didn't ask to see a grown man powerlifting on a girl's team. I personally don't like it. It's not Right. Transgender or not. But I see what this has turned into. I'm not part of any political party.... I'm an older " American". I actually love people no matter what. Just seems to me, media shows this episode of a man powerlifting on a girl's team for publicity. I'm asking about baseball, because of a transgender team forming in baseball.
I'm as old fashioned as they come, so I understand you. I was just pointing out that the title of your thread implies that we are going to be discussing gays and lesbians in sports. I know that you meant to only talk abut transgender. So I was actually trying to help. But, as the internet can do, I only started things off track. As for my opinion, I think that transgender athletes can have unfair advantages. So I lean towards having separate leagues.
Love ya pal! No problem my man!!!! Always a friend.
The Turn of The Screw.
Huh? Lol
I think this thread has proven why this is a better discussion to have in-person than on a message board, especially this one. Tough to determine tone in a post. Sorry, folks, but I'm going to close this one down...