Interesting lamination error

Found this penny yesterday while going through some wheat cents and thought the lamination error on the back looked kinda cool. Thought some people might agree, and if anyone else has some cool looking errors like this, be sure to post em.
I'm thinking your lamination error is glue on the coin.
Yeah - something on the surface causing that. Try a soak in acetone - if it is glue then it should come off
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Hmm. Imma try that tomorrow morning. I just thought it looked like lamination since it had the cracks and stuff but still had detail beneath it a bit yk? I hope it's not glue because if it is, then I'm 0 for 2 on trying to self diagnose errors on coins. Hopefully I'm not that stupid lol.
Even if it is just glue, it preserved the details on the reverse pretty well and I think the contrast would look pretty cool.
It’s not a lamination – as posted above it looks like glue or some other similar liquid
Still a nice coin after 86 years.
Coinboard penny? On second thought maybe not. Too much circulation wear....????
Haven't been able to post an update since we got 30 new calves and I've been busy working for the majority of the day, but turns out I am just dumb and it was glue. On the bright side, I now have a pretty cool looking 1935 penny.

Looks good - the glue really preserved the details of the wheat stalks
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Nice job.
Eatin' or milkin' ? I suspect the latter. Either way,...that's a bunch........
Very nice!
And the obverse?
Not dumb
It was easily identified because we see a number of these. Lots of people make the same mistake.
Pic in the original post
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Isn't there a before and after of the obverse?
No, he only did the reverse where the glue was - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Oh, okay. I thought the acetone would have helped the obverse as well. Oh well.
@USSID17 yeah, the obverse didn't change any. It was already glue free on the obverse, and I didn't keep it in the acetone too long.
We're bottle training them rn. Last week was a nightmare because we got 52 calves (all non bottle trained ofc) and we just got all but 2 pail trained by the time we bought this recent bunch. So currently we have like 80 some calves to feed morning and night.
Yeah. I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Also, since the reverse of the coin trumps the quality of the quality of another 1935 I had in a coin book, it made for a nice upgrade. The obverse was a little worse for wear than the existing 1935, but overall, this coin was considerably nicer than the existing example.
Nice job removing the glue... and do not feel bad. We all learned about coins over the many years we have been collecting... Your journey is in the early stages. Cheers, RickO
As others have said, many members know this stuff because they have a lot of experience.
I couldn't imagine how many "dumb" questions I would ask if I was trying to learn how to manage new calves on a ranch. Everything is relative.