Cheapest place to buy ancient or 19th-century coins in lots?

I have 4 newbie questions:
1) What are the least expensive 19th-century U.S. and UK coins?
2) What are the least expensive ancient coins, from anywhere in the world?
3) What are the least expensive coins issued during the Roman Empire?
4) Is there a cheaper and easier place than eBay “Buy It Now” to buy multiple lots (25 or more) of all of the above, without bidding? Specifically, for now, I’m thinking of:
1912 Liberty “V” nickels
1865 two-cent pieces
Any other 19th-century US or UK coin
Ancient coins (specifically from Ancient Rome)
Many thanks for any help!
I'll try to give you a few better answers:
1) US: Indian head cents (.40-1.00 each in Fair-Good) V or Liberty Nickels (.50-1.00 Fair-almost good.) GB: Victoria Farthings and half pennies, also less than $1 each in lower grades.
2) Late Roman Bronzes- 3rd-4th century- about 50 cents each. Some Eastern (India and China) bronzes are possibilities, too.
3) Same as above. Late Roman bronzes.
4) Yes, there are wholesalers of material like this. Educational Coin in Kingston, NY is one of them. I once sold them a million coins (3 tons) and they had hundreds of millions already in stock! However, you are going to pay more through direct wholesalers than at auction. European auctions may be the cheapest source for #2-#4.
Thanks so much!
Hi SellItStore,
Which auctions would you recommend for the late Roman bronzes for 50 cents, and can they be bought in bulk?
Also, where besides ECC would you suggest buying the Indian Head cents and Liberty nickels in bulk? I didn’t see any on their site but will email them just in case.
Thank you again!
At that price, the Roman bronzes must be in bulk and may not be fully cleaned (curated) and are definitely not identified.
Indian cents and liberty nickels extend into the 20th century. You will pay a little more for lots that are 19th century only.
PM me if you want Indian Head cents and/or Liberty nickels in bulk. I have maybe 1000 of each on hand right now and I will sell them to you at wholesale + shipping. [Greysheet wholesale on Indian cents is $55 per roll for G/better. Pre-1900 only would be $80 per roll (50 coin rolls). Wholesale on Liberty Nickels would be $24 per roll (40 coin rolls) for average circ which includes AG coins, $40 for G/better, $80 for pre-1900 only]
I should add that you can buy British coppers (pennies) in bulk at about 50 cents each for average circ.
If you want to flag sellitstore, you need to put an "@" in front: @sellitstore
Thank you all!
Does anyone sell bulk lots of Indian head cents or Liberty V nickels from a given year (say, 1887 or 1911)? Though I imagine if they’re typically sold in rolls — as you mentioned, @sellitstore — separating them takes a lot more effort from the seller, and drives up the price.
Yes. People sell specific dates by rolls.
The forum, I have made great deals and saved lots of $ on the forum. Great alternative to eBay, also coin shows are really good 👍
@Newbie2021 ... Welcome aboard... Are you planning on starting a business? Just curious as to why you want to buy in bulk. Cheers, RickO
You can buy bags of 20th century wheat cents and junk silver... not sure of 19th century or beyond.
Is this strictly a treasure hunting expedition?
There are better ways... but that is an answer to a question you did not ask.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out