Help identifying a counterstamp on a 1972 Type 2 Ike
This counterstamp is on a 1972 Type 2 Ike.
Please reply if you can identify the counterstamp, or if you have any information that can help me research it.
Thank you.
Steve Palladino
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
i have no contribution but wanted to say how neat and subtle that is and that i like it.
There's hundreds of different counterstamps.
A "W" and a larger "O". Separate punches.
Yeah, I figure this one will be hard to source (and maybe impossible), as compared to a Mel Wacks counter-stamped Ike, which are well documented (of which I have a couple). Just keeping my fingers crossed that it might be recognized by someone here.
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
I was thinking it was an O and an upside down M for Omega Man.
He has gotten quite a bit more conspicuous as of late
I have some punches. I can make some up for you.
There are many unique counterstamps that show up on coins. This one looks subtle... perhaps a personal mark for a collector. Cheers, RickO