Another Lost Gold Ring Found

I was talking to a guy on the walking trail this morning. He was telling me he had lost his wedding ring with diamonds in it last week in his yard planting a tree. He asked if I knew anyone with a metal detector. I told him he was talking to the right person. He informed me there was a finders fee for me if I could find it. After about 4 minutes I got a nice sound in the dirt by the tree. Started scraping dirt and I could see gold. The guy was so happy he just pulled it out of the dirt. I was going to leave and he gave me a $100 bill and asked if that was enough. Told him he didn’t owe me anything. Insisted I take it because the ring ment a lot to him. Guess it made both of our days
That is a great story. Well done.... and a nice reward. Yeah, it obviously meant a lot to him and he was super grateful. Cheers, RickO
Great story! Did he own an old property you could detect?
It’s not an old property but he has walnut trees that I asked about picking up walnuts in the fall. They would be happy to have them picked up.
Lafayette Grading Set
Good deed rewarded! Happy hunting.
My kind of story!
way cool story, i like & it does the heart good
Great find!
Congrats, and esp on the $100
BHNC #203