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Cool Morgan NEWPS!

ashelandasheland Posts: 23,110 ✭✭✭✭✭

A friend of mine that has a shop got a group of 90 slabbed Morgans a few days ago. All from a 1989 submission to PCGS!

He wanted to keep a few obviously, but I got two pretty nice examples for my collection. >:)

This one, I offered over sheet for considering the color, which I find superb:

Another angle showing the light a little differently:

The other, @ricko approved, :D is a date I like, it’s a slightly better date, the first Morgan from New Orleans…

Usually MS63 doesn’t excite me that much, too baggy usually but I found this one really nice for the grade!

He let me have the 79-O below sheet which was nice. They were $200 each. I feel like this was a solid buy!


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