Which 2021 Morgan dollar will be the most valuable?

Which 2021 Morgan dollar will be the most valuable? I intend to buy either the Denver or no mintmark. Rationale for the Denver is that Denver only made Morgan dollars in 1921, and the whole purpose of the 2021 dollar is because of the 100th anniversary. It doesn't make sense to buy the CC or O privymark since those Mints were not producing Morgan dollars in 1921.
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The CC will probably carry the highest premium initially, then they will probably level off to similar pricing. Although I could see the CC always having a slightly higher value due to demand.
I have as much chance of guessing this one right as I do of winning the lottery. I personally think the price is high enough on release with enough mintage that there won’t be much of a premium over purchase price for any of them. I expect a great number of 70s to be graded.
This is my opinion also. I understand the mintage is 175,000 for each of the four. I expect only a low fraction to buy all four which if correct, leaves an ample supply for those who only want one. I also don't believe most of these buyers will have much of preference either.
Demand for all these will be very high, at least initially. Flippers can be expected to make up a large percentage of the initial buyers. It will be interesting to see what is still in demand a few years down the road. These are a speculative buy.
My vote is for the CC as well. In addition to the history, it has the novelty of being the only 2 letter mint mark!
There is no mintage limit yet. It says on the mint website that the 175,000 is the product limit. I have a feeling these will be released as a full set further down the road.
hard to say which be most valuable - probably the ones w errors, if any 😎
For the Morgans, there are four mintmarks (P, D, S, W) and two privy marks (CC and O) [which will be minted in Philadelphia]. Plus one Peace Dollar. The mint is leading with the ones it thinks are the hot ones (CC, O) so as to drum up interest.
If they do 25k of each and sell out CC & O quickly, then the success of the series will be assured. If they don't sell out (or there are a lot of cancellations between the on-sale date and delivery in October), then look for several creative packaging options.
If the coins have today's typical low relief, computer cut dies, I have pretty low expectations for the quality and ultimate success. If they continue the program into 2022, even less so.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
There will be no W morgan.
The Morgan’s will be 175,000 each and 200,000 for the peace
They will not be shipped until October. Wonder how that impacts the flippers.
Thanks for the clarification. If the mintage is noticeably higher, don't see much if any flipping potential. Not sure any will stand out price wise either.
The closest analogy I see is with the 2001 Buffalo dollar which I recall having a mintage of 500K (250K each, MS and PR). This one has held up to my knowledge (and is my favorite among US modern commemoratives) but not an exact comparison.
I also was not aware of a 2021 West Point Morgan. Is that correct? Thank y'all for the responses.
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The one that sells for the highest amount in the secondary market.
Seriously though I don't think any will be particularly "valuable", 175,000 is a large production limit.
Collector, occasional seller
I agree that's a close comparison. That's one of my favorites as well
very little upside to any of these. these are ripe for waiting on saturation of secondary market and getting to pick your 70 from the big dealer/eBay pile in October.
Loves me some shiny!
I will get - or try to get - the CC privy Morgan, just to add to my CC set. Too bad there will not be a W Morgan dollar... That would be unique. Not sure any of these will have a durable premium.... High mintage, commemorative type issue...Will probably fade in about two years. Cheers, RickO
I had a dream where I lived on alternate Earth (I mean there are trillions of planets):
A 5 Oz Bullion Morgan was announced with a 75,000 mintage 1:HHL
A 5 Oz Bullion Peace was announced with a 75,000 mintage 1:HHL
A Proof Set consisting of both issues in a wood box with Mint Engraving with a 25,000 mintage 1:HHL
All have no mint mark as they will pressed in Philly but a larger dime sized privy which is a circle of traditional mint marks from all of the other historical mints that pressed the originals.
Then someone who looked like Ryder shook me awake laughing like Vincent Price on Thriller.
Loves me some shiny!
Think there's a significant price advantage to try for one at the pre-order, vs buying a 70 on eBay this fall?
No, these will drop in value rapidly. The fall would be a little to soon to try to buy a 70. I would think February or March would be the right time to buy on the secondary market.
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my vote went for the cc. what ever happens, happens
Coin World
2021 Morgan and 2021 Peace silver dollars may become annual series
By Paul Gilkes , Coin World
Published: May 7, 2021, 7 AM
United States Mint officials are giving serious consideration to make the 2021 Morgan and 2021 Peace silver dollars the first coins of an ongoing annual series.
Mint Director David J. Ryder raised that possibility during a May 4 Microsoft Teams video conference with numismatic journalists.
The enabling legislation, the 1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act, Public Law 116-286, grants the Mint authority to issue additional Morgan and Peace dollars dated 2022 and beyond as an ongoing series.
Ryder said, during the online meeting with numismatic journalists, that he favors the continuation of the series beyond just 2021. Finalization of such a decision will be determined, Ryder said, based on demand for the 2021 releases.
If one or both become a continuing series, that will eliminate most of any potential price appreciation.
I don’t have crystal ball, but if this turns into an annual release, my best guess is it would be a new registry set.
Then folks will need the first year release would they not to have complete set be it 2, 5 or 25 year run?
da Philly
This could temporarily increase the price but don't see any more than that. There will be some set collecting but not where it will absorb 175,000+ (or near it) for five coins every year at noticeably higher prices. It's debatable, but unless there are far more collectors than I believe, don't believe a single Morgan dollar is owned by 175,000 collectors now. It's my assumption a large proportion are bought as silver substitutes for financial reasons as "investments".
At the $85 issue price, it costs more than buying a common MS real Morgan or Peace dollar. I can see collectors paying this much and more for a one year commemorative.
I don't see it happening near this mintage for a long running series. Real Morgan and Peace dollars with this supply sell for moderate prices until it gets to the higher (MS-66 I think) grades.
As an on-going series, it's more like another overpriced bullion coin and from what I have read, one that differs from the originals (.999 fine and possibly with a different surface).
@WCC all valid points. I can understand where you’re coming from and agree with almost all you have stated.
I can only point towards the ASE program, mintage numbers for MS is 10s of millions. Granted many just stack them but the collector market appears strong. Again agreeing you need high grade to be worthwhile for registry.
I think it will fall between the MS and proof folks. To low of mintage and expensive to stack and too high of mintage that once they hype dies down, the prices likely will fall below issue prices.
But overall I think you’re probably correct.
I’m still not sure if I’m a buyer or not with these releases.
With the release date so close I can't believe that there is not more talk of these.
A ship date of October has the potential to torpedo any quick flipping opportunities. I may buy a CC Morgan for my collection.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
One thing I did not mention is that if one or both are continuing series, it will almost certainly come at the expense of the ASE under my assumption that both will predominantly share a collector base with a similar profile.
The closest analogy to the anniversary Morgan and Peace dollars I know is the South Africa silver Krugerrand. It's not a US coin but it was initially issued as a one year design. Checking recent eBay sales, the 2017 appears to sell for less than it did initially but still very overpriced for what it actually is as a collectible.
So yes, it can happen for one of these.
I thinking there will be a lot of flippers and few collectors.
it may sell out day 1 but not sell out on ebay in november
The one I don't buy.
IMO for the price... much better to purchase a REAL Morgan or Peace dollar... that has much more eye appeal that the Plain Jane renditions for the gimmicks the US Mint is pushing out.... with the kitschy mintmarks. JMO, I'm sure these will have many fans.
Not a game I'm going to pay with these issues.
I don't think they will replace the ASE. That is a standard bullion one ounce investment item, though they can appreciate and are valued in some cases way beyond spot.
This is a unicorn tribute unlike any other product should it become a continuing yearly series.
Gold Buffalos? Similar but not affordable to the average collector.
Kudos to the Mint. I see positive public acceptance.
In the end they are not intended for circulation coins aimed only at collectors - just like the half dollar and dollar coins.
Those aren't 100+ year old tribute coin designs of the most popular collected series in US numismatics.
That doesn’t really matter. They are effectively the same thing.
There will not be 1 of these that will have a wild price appreciation. These will be similarly valued
That absolutely matters. In any case the market will determine.
Shipping date was supposed to be today, but I have not heard anything yet.
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CC with out a doubt 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Has there been any other talk about it being made an annual series? I was able to get 2 O (Privy) and 3 each of the P,D,S and Peace. Hopefully, I can find a trading partner for the CC (Privy).
Ebay for the CC has it starting at 359 raw
399 ms69
475 ms70.
These are buy it now prices.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
It might depend on which of them gets the least 70’s. With the quality issues and all
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I am pretty sure they have pills for this.
Agree: I think there is a greater number of CC Collectors, than full date mint set collectors. So from that perspective, they are not the same thing, Having said that, if it becomes included as a needed coin for Morgan Registry Sets, that could also have an impact.
I think it will be the CC tribute. But the real winner won't be the Morgan in these releases, it will be the Peace Dollar.
The CC and Peace buck imo will do well. If the CC was actually struck in Carson City it would've been even more desirable.